
August 2024

The European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA) annouces applications for the Mariangela Tempera Award, a biennial prize to be awarded to an essay of critical excellence on Shakespeare and/or his contemporaries and the moving image (film, television, or new media in the digital era). The Mariangela Tempera Award is designed for early-career researchers who already are or
intend to be members of ESRA. The winning essays are published in Cahiers Élisabéthains: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. The author is also offered a one-year subscription to the journal and a £100 book voucher, and benefits from a fee waiver for the next ESRA conference. Applications are due September 1st, 2024. For more information, see the award announcement on the ESRA website.

July 2024

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is happy to announce its Summer 2024 quarterly update. To whet your appetite for summer travel, we've indexed Shakespeare and Tourism (2023), a collection edited by Robert Ormsby and Valerie Clayman Pye and featuring essays on Shakespeare and tourism in Stratford-upon-Avon, in Australia and New Zealand (sites of the "Pop-up Globe") as well as virtual travel enabled by VR. The WSB wishes you a delightful summer!

June 2024

The World Shakespeare Bibliography invites members of the Shakespearean community to join our international committee of correspondents. If you are interested, please email wsb@folger.edu with your name, any institutional affiliation, and a short biography including your research interests and experience.

January 2023

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is delighted to announce the addition of two new team members: Minjung Ha is our new WSB Doctoral Fellow. Nathan Lim is our new Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) Fellow. Welcome, MJ and Nathan!

December 2022

With the end of 2022 comes our Winter 2022 quarterly update, featuring entries on many articles, books, dissertations and performances from across the globe. Highlights include an entry on Jane Anger, which premiered earlier in 2022 at the New Ohio Theatre in New York City and is currently in production from the Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, DC) at the Klein Theatre until 8 January, 2023. The entry includes dates of the play's most recent run, along with some recent reviews.

The World Shakespeare Bibliography would like to thank its international correspondents and subscribers for their ongoing support of the WSB. We wish everyone a happy holiday season and a Happy 2023.

November 2022

A new article, "Finding and Accessing Shakespeare Scholarship in the Global South: Digital Research and Bibliography," written by Heidi Craig and Laura Estill (WSB editors present and past), was published this month in Digital Shakespeares from the Global South, edited by Amrita Sen. The article explores the World Shakespeare Bibliography and other digital bibliographies' roles in expanding access to Shakespeare scholarship in the Global South, and is available open access here.

October 2022

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is pleased to announce its Fall quarterly update. Highlights for this quarter include entries for the recent edited collections Lockdown Shakespeare: New Evolutions in Performance and Adaptation (2022) and Women and Indian Shakespeares (2022).

September 2022

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is delighted to announce that Grace Hall has recently joined our team as an undergraduate student intern. Welcome, Grace!

This month, WSB editors Heidi Craig and Kris L. May and former WSB editor Laura Estill will present papers on the WSB and trans-inclusive bibliography at "DH+BH: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Humanities and Book History" (September 22-24, 2022) and at "CDHI: Critical Digital Humanities International Conference" (September 30-October 1, 2022). Follow the links for more information and to register.

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is committed to a trans-inclusive, ethical, and accurate citation practice. Creators wishing to update their name from its current listing in the database are invited to begin the process by emailing us as wsb@tamu.edu. Please be advised that WSB entries may continue to link to resources that feature former names.

August 2022

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is happy to welcome both returning doctoral fellow Alexandra LaGrand and new doctoral fellow Noah Langley. You can learn more about the WSB's doctoral fellowship program here

We are also pleased to announce Sydney Hargrove as our new Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) Fellow.

July 2022

On July 14, the World Shakespeare Bibliography’s account management system for personal users will be upgraded as part of Oxford University Press’s ongoing Oxford Academic account maintenance migration. During the upgrade, personal and institutional customers will be able to access WSB, but you may not be able to adjust your Oxford account settings, such as changing notification preferences.

After July 14, subscribers with personal accounts will manage their Oxford University Press subscriptions via the Oxford Academic portal. Passwords can be reset at https://academic.oup.com/my-account/forgot-password.


The World Shakespeare Bibliography is delighted to announce its Summer quarterly update. Highlights include entries for the PBS documentary American Masters: Joe Papp in Five Acts and the Public Theater and National Black Theatre’s production of Fat Ham.  With the summer Shakespeare season once more in full swing, the WSB is proud to provide access to the latest in Shakespeare performance.

Recent productions can be searched by selecting “Productions” between a date range of “2021” and “2022” on our Advanced Search page.

June 2022

Please join the World Shakespeare Bibliography in congratulating Sean Thomas, our Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) Fellow, and Angela De Leon, our Undergraduate Student Intern, on their recent graduations. Thank you, Sean and Angela, for your wonderful work!

We are also excited to welcome back Alondra Ceballos and Alexandra LaGrand, who are returning to the team as summer doctoral fellows.

May 2022

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is proud to present an entry on "'From the text of Shakspeare': William Charles Macready, King Lear, and the Theatrical Antiquarianism of Locrine," a recent article by Alexandra E. LaGrand, who is a current WSB PhD Fellow. Well done, Alex!

If you've recently published a written work (article, monograph, chapter, etc.) or other project with significant Shakespearean content and would us like the WSB to consider it for inclusion, please email us at wsb@tamu.edu. Click here for more information about the WSB Fellowship for doctoral students in English at Texas A&M University.

March 2022

The WSB is delighted to announce its Spring quarterly update. Highlights include entries for Theatre for a New Audience and Shakespeare Theatre Company’s The Merchant of Venice, directed by Arin Arbus, and Jane Anger by Talene Monahon, which features William William Shakespeare as a character in what Monahon describes as “A Jacobean Feminist Revenge Comedy.”  

February 2022

The World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes back Sean Thomas as our Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) fellow for the spring semester.

January 2022

Happy New Year! The World Shakespeare Bibliography is pleased to announce that Alexandra LaGrand has joined our team as a WSB Doctoral Fellow for the Spring 2022 semester. Welcome Alexandra! 

You can learn more about the WSB's doctoral fellowship program here

December 2021

The WSB is delighted to announce its Winter quarterly update. Of note is an entry on the open-access collection, The Merchant in Venice: Shakespeare in the Ghetto, which includes eleven essays devoted to Shakespeare. Please also check out our newly-added entries on dissertations, by an advance search of "Dissertation" as a Document Type and "Winter 2021" in the WSB Update Field. The WSB is proud to catalogue cutting-edge scholarship by recent PhDs, such as Dr. Rui Costa Santos's dissertation, "Ariel, entre Próspero y Caliban o los intelectuales entre imperio(s), subdesarrollo y revolució." 

From everyone at the World Shakespeare Bibliography, we wish you a happy holiday season and start to 2022. 

October 2021

The World Shakespeare Bibliography announces its Fall quarterly update. Highlights include an entry on Saheem Ali's recent production of The Merry Wives of Windsor, produced by the Public Theater and filmed for PBS's Great Performances series. Searching "Production" as a Document Type in our Advanced Search mode will yield all our entries on productions past and present. 

The WSB is also happy to welcome Sean Thomas as our Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) fellow for the fall semester. 

September 2021

The World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes two new doctoral fellows to the team for this academic year: Hannah Bowling and Alondra Ceballos. If you're interested in learning more about the WSB's doctoral fellowship program, please read more here

We also welcome back Angela De Leon, who is continuing her work as the undergraduate student intern.

July 2021

The WSB is delighted to announce its Summer Quarterly Update. Highlights include entries on a range of productions that have been produced in creative ways during the COVID-19 pandemic including The Juliet Duet, which included dancers performing via a livestream from Reykjavik; Fat Ham, a film by the Wilma Theater in Philadelphia; and the Seattle Shakespeare Company’s Romeo y Julieta, an adaptation celebrating Latinidad and Queer cultures. Also of note is Turkish Shakespeares, a digital project including links to productions and adaptations of Shakespeare in Turkey.

June 2021

This summer, the World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes back Lindsey Jones and Cailey McCabe, returning to the team as summer doctoral fellows, as well as Angela De Leon, who is continuing her work as the undergraduate student intern.

May 2021

Professor Thomas Dabbs of Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo recently interviewed WSB editor Heidi Craig as part of his "Speaking of Shakespeare" series. Watch that recording, as well as other interviews including with those with Professor David McInnis of the University of Melbourne and Professor Kyoko Matsuyama of Komazawa University, and check out the WSB entry on "Speaking of Shakespeare." The interview with Heidi Craig acknowledges the significant contributions of our wonderful international correspondents in Japan, who keep us informed about Japanese and Japanese-language scholarship and performance, ensuring that the WSB is truly global in scope. 

If you are interested in joining the WSB's international committee of correspondents, please email wsb@tamu.edu with your name, any institutional affiliation, and a short bio including your research interests and experience.

April 2021

The WSB is delighted to announce its Spring Quarterly Update. Highlights include entries on a range of recent innovative, online, and open-air performances of Shakespeare, including the Actors' Shakespeare Project’s Othello, Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s Measure for Measure, and the upcoming Deutsches Nationaltheater’s Wie es euch gefällt [As You Like It]. Of particular note is Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company’s Hecate, a Macbeth adaptation directed and translated by Kylie Bracknell (Kaarljilba Kaardn) into Noongar, a language newly added to the WSB.

Recent productions can be searched by selecting “Productions” between a date range of “2020” and “2021” on our Advanced Search page.

Usually, the Spring Quarterly Update coincides with the WSB’s annual luncheon at the annual meeting of Shakespeare Association of America, where we gather to celebrate and thank our international correspondents, whose contributions ensure that the World Shakespeare Bibliography is truly global in scope. We regret that we cannot safely meet this year, but look ahead to brighter days when we can resume this event. The WSB gratefully acknowledges our international correspondents’ continued contribution and support.

March 2021

The World Shakespeare Bibliography pays tribute to the late Jerzy Limon, O.B.E. (1950-2021), Professor of Shakespeare and Head of the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre in Poland. The WSB annotated a recent tribute to Limon, and we invite you to peruse our many entries on Limon's theatrical and scholarly work which attest to Limon's monumental contribution to Shakespeare studies and performance.  

January 2021

The WSB is happy to greet the new year with our first quarterly update. It includes entries of articles hot off the press from Shakespearean International Yearbook 18, Special Section: Soviet Shakespeare edited by Tom Bishop, Alexa Alice Joubin and Natalia Khomenko, with annotations of Michelle Assay's  "Hamlet's Soviet Operatic Afterlife", and of Aleksei Semenko's "Ivan Aksenov and Soviet Shakespeare." Happy 2021 from the WSB!

December 2020

As World Shakespeare Bibliography bids 2020 adieu, we would like to thank our international correspondents, doctoral fellows, student assistants, interns, staff members and editors for all their tireless and creative efforts in this most trying of years. We are still catching up on entering physical materials, so please do not worry if your 2020 publication is not yet in the WSB: we will get to it in the new year. From all of us at the WSB, we wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

November 2020

The WSB is happy to announce its latest international correspondent, Dr. Thea Buckley, from Queen's University, Belfast. Please email us at wsb@tamu.edu if you are intersted in joining the team. 

October 2020

We are delighted to announce our Fall quarterly update. Highlights include an entry on the online production 154 Revisited, produced by Revolution Shakespeare and running until October 4, 2020 as well as an entry on Oedipus at Colonus and King Lear: Classical and Early Modern Intersections, an open-access book collection from Skenè Theatre and Drama Studies, edited by Silvia Bigliazzi and which includes ten essays on Shakespeare. 

September 2020

The WSB welcomes Angela De Leon as our new student worker for the 2020-21 academic year, and Mia Arcangeli as a Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) fellow for the fall semester.

We are delighted to announce two new contributors: Professor Vassiliki Markidou from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and Dr. Anna Kamaralli from the University of Notre Dame, Australia. Welcome to you both, and thank you for supporting the WSB!

Prof. Markidou and Dr. Kamaralli join a wonderful group of international correspondents. Interested in joining the team? Please contact us at wsb@tamu.edu. 

August 2020

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is a hive of activity this fall, as we welcome new colleagues and reflect on the fine service of our outgoing Editor. We are delighted to announce Dr. Dorothy Todd as the new WSB Associate Editor. We are also pleased to announce that Shannon Gonzenbach (returning) and Cailey McCabe will be joining the WSB as doctoral fellows for the 2020-2021 academic year. 

With deep appreciation and admiration, the World Shakespeare Bibliography thanks Professor Laura Estill for her peerless service as Editor. From 2013 to 2020, Laura Estill took the WSB to great new heights -- spearheading with Kris May and Eric Johnson a major rebuild of the website in 2016, among many other feats -- while continuing to pursue our core mission of providing the most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide from 1960 to the present. A tireless champion of bibliography, Laura Estill has mentored countless students and shared her expertise in global Shakespeare studies and digital humanities with colleagues across the world. Thank you, Professor Laura Estill, for your dedication and excellence as Editor of the World Shakespeare Bibliography. 

July 2020

Our Summer Quarterly Update is now live, including annotations on the recent edited collection Teaching Social Justice Through Shakespeare edited by Hillary Eklund and Wendy Beth Hyman and available open-access from Edinburgh University Press; on “Forum: Shakespeare and Black America” a special issue of the Journal of American Studies edited by Patricia A. Cahill and Kim F. Hall; and on Becoming Othello: A Black Girl's Journey by Debra Ann Byrd.

Today we bid a grateful adieu to Associate Editor Katayoun Torabi. Since 2018, Dr. Torabi has been a crucial member of the WSB editorial team, carrying out every aspect of her role with brilliance, care, and great panache. She is starting a new position as project manager of the New Variorum Shakespeare and Center of Digital Humanities Research. Thank you, Kathy, for your fine work with the WSB, and for your continued service to the Shakespearean community! We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

May 2020

This summer, the World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes back Lindsey Jones and Hyunjung Kim, returning to the team as summer doctoral fellows. We'd also like to extend our thanks to Miles Bentley, who served as our undergraduate student intern this spring and who recently graduated: congratulations, Miles!

We are pleased to introduce our newest contributor, Murat Öğütcü, of Munzur University. Welcome, Murat, and thank you for supporting the WSB! 

Check out our list of international correspondents and contact us (wsb@tamu.edu) if you are interested in joining the team. 

April 2020

The Spring 2020 update is now available. We are grateful to the WSB staff, international correspondents, graduate fellows and undergraduate interns who are now working remotely to ensure you have access to the latest in Shakespeare scholarship and performance. Highlights from this quarter include Polski Shakespeare, a digital resource devoted to 19th-century Polish translations of Shakespeare; Shakespeare in Sheets, a free pedagogical tool that allows students to make their own Shakespeare books; and Emma Smith's recent pieces on what Shakespeare can teach us about living through our current moment. To all, the WSB wishes good health, safety, and plenty of Shakespeare to read, watch and think about. 

March 2020

We regret to announce that the annual WSB contributors' luncheon, which was to held at the next meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, has been cancelled. We thank our contributors and users for your continued support of the WSB. Our thoughts are with you as you care for your own health and that of others. We wish you fortitude in this difficult time, and look forward to when we can meet again. 

February 2020

We are looking forward to this year's Shakespeare Association of America meeting in Denver, CO, and hope to see you there! Please contact us if you'd like to meet editors Heidi Craig, Laura Estill, and/or associate editor Kathy Torabi. We look forward to celebrating another year of collaboration with our team at the Folger Shakespeare Library and with our correspondents.

January 2020

Happy 2020! In the spirit of the new year and decade, we are delighted to present our new Resources page. Currently, the page features a short video that offers an overview of the WSB's contents, functions and capabilities, and an introduction to basic and advanced searches. The Resources page also includes a teaching exercise to help you incorporate the WSB into the classroom. Please send any suggestions, comments or questions about these or other potential resources to wsb@tamu.edu. And stay tuned for more!

December 2019

Our Winter 2019 update is now live! The WSB concludes 2019 on a high note, with entries on the new digital project Music in Shakespeare and on Focus on Henry Va multimedia, open access resource that includes audiorecordings of essays. We added the Gronings language to our system, for an entry on the first translation of Shakespeare's sonnets into this language spoken in and around the Dutch province of Groningen.

We also recovered a text from our "Publications Not Yet Located" list: thanks are due to Sujata Iyengar for discovering and confirming the bibliographic information of Arthur Kinney's "elephant" folio from Cheloniidae Press, The Birds and Beasts of Shakespeare (1990). As always, the WSB is a group effort, relying on our wonderful team of International Correspondents. Thank you for a wonderful year -- and decade! -- with the WSB, and here's to 2020!

September 2019

We are pleased to announce the Fall 2019 update. This includes thirty-three doctoral dissertations, the digital projects Play the Knave, Shakespeare’s Globe Archive, SHEAF: Shakespeare in Early Film and the Reduced Shakespeare Company podcast. Also worthy of note is a Georgian-language monograph on Shakespeare in Georgian Theatre, and the recent archival discovery of John Milton’s copy of the Shakespeare First Folio. 

We are also delighted to introduce three new international contributors: Professor Fernando Cioni from the University of Florence, Dr. Regula Hohl Trillini from the University of Basel, and Dr. Reza Parchizadeh from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Thank you, and welcome to the WSB team!

August 2019

The World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes Dr. Heidi Craig as the new WSB editor! We are also pleased to announce that Lauren Liebe (returning) and Lindsey Jones will be joining the WSB as doctoral fellows for the 2019-2020 academic year, Emily Dunn will return as our WSB student worker, and Jillian Luna will be joining us as a Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) fellow for the fall semester. If you're interested in learning more about the program, read more here.

July 2019

We are excited to announce that as of July 1, 2019, Oxford University Press (OUP) will partner with the Folger Shakespeare Library to distribute the World Shakespeare Bibliography Online.

All current customers have been contacted, and you do not need to take any further action to ensure continued access. If you have any technical support queries please contact oxfordonline@oup.com (customers in North and South America) or onlinesubscriptions@oup.com (customers outside North and South America).

Our Summer 2019 update is now out with 736 new entries! Be sure to check out some of the newly-added Bikol, Catalan, Turkish, and Icelandic entries or explore the "Summer 2019" update using advanced search to see the latest entries.

May 2019

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Heidi Craig will be joining the World Shakespeare Bibliography as editor! Dr. Craig comes to us from a long-term fellowship at the Folger Shakespeare Library, which she undertook after completing her doctorate at the University of Toronto in 2017. We look forward to welcoming Dr. Craig to our team.

This summer, we are glad to welcome Hyunjung Kim and Shannon Gonzenbach to our team as WSB doctoral fellow (summer appointments).

April 2019

The first update of 2019 is now out with over 900 new entries! This update includes 196 foreign language entries, 144 productions, and 8 new digital projects, podcasts, and audio recordings. Be sure to check out Olivia Hussey’s memoir, The Girl on the Balcony (see full entry here) as well as Sam Gold’s "wickedly fun" production of King Lear, starring Glenda Jackson (see full entry here).

Join our editor and associate editor, Laura Estill and Kathy Torabi, at the Shakespeare Association of America in Washington DC this April!  We look forward to celebrating our international correspondents at the annual WSB lunch.

February 2019

Will you be at the Shakespeare Association of America meeting in Washington, D. C. this April? We will! Contact us if you'd like to meet editor Laura Estill or associate editor Kathy Torabi. We look forward to celebrating another year of collaboration with our team at the Folger Shakespeare Library and with our correspondents.

December 2018

Our Winter 2018 update is now live! Thanks to our international correspondents, doctoral fellows, student assistants, interns, and editors we published 1,046 entries this quarter and a total of 3,332 entries in 2018! The latest update includes 263 foreign language items, 160 film and stage productions, 23 dissertations, 7 digital projects, and 5 musical scores. Check out our Winter 2018 update using advanced search to see the latest entries.  

September 2018

The World Shakespeare Bibliography welcomes three new doctoral fellows to the team: Youmi Jung (returning), Jiwon Choi, and Zachary Riggins.  If you're interested in learning more about the program, read more here.

We are also happy to welcome Andie Orozco to the WSB team. She was one of five students selected to participate in Texas A&M’s Department of English Undergraduate Professional and Research Experience Program (UPREP) and works closely with Dr. May on productions and reviews of productions.

Our Fall 2018 update is live with 790 entries! This update includes Bernhardt/Hamlet (dir. Moritz von Stuelpnagel), produced by Roundabout Theatre. Check out the full entry here, as well as our entry for the staged reading at the Folger Theater (dir. Theresa Rebeck).

July 2018

Our Summer 2018 update is now out with 559 new annotated entries! This update includes Booth's Richard III (dir. Beth Burns), produced by Hidden Room Theatre and The Harry Ransom Center. Check out the full entry here

We are pleased to introduce our newest contributor, Dr. Coen Heijes (University of Groningen), who will help keep us up to date on Shakespeare scholarship from the Netherlands. We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Dutch contributor, Prof. Dr. Ton Hoenselaars (University of Utrecht), for his years of service to the WSB.

A complete list of our international correspondents is here: the WSB wouldn't be possible without the generosity of an entire world of academics--a Globe-full, if you will.

June 2018

This summer, we are pleased to work with two returning Texas A&M graduate students at the WSB, Courtney Price and Youmi Jung. Youmi's fellowship, which includes a focus on Japanese and Korean scholarship on Shakespeare, has been funded by the Sara and John Lindsey Chair of Liberal Arts (Texas A&M). 

We are also happy to announce that Dr. Katayoun Torabi has joined the team as an additional associate editor. With Courtney, Youmi, and Dr. Torabi on board, we look forward to continuing to add annotated entries about scholarship on, adaptations of, and performances of Shakespeare's works.

March 2018

The World Shakespeare Bibliography looks forward to celebrating with all the international correspondents who will be joining us as the Shakespeare Association of America in Los Angeles at the end of the month. Please also stop by the Folger Shakespeare Library's table in the book room to pick up some WSB swag!

The first update of 2018 is now live! In the Spring 2018 update, you'll find over 900 entries, along with countless new reviews and cross-references.

January 2018

Come hear editor Laura Estill talk about what she's learned from the WSB at MLA 2018. Her paper, "The Ethics of Digital Publication and Global Shakespeare Studies" is part of "The Ethics of Progressive Shakespeare" panel organized by Alexa Joubin.

December 2017

Our Winter 2017 update is now out!  In 2017, we published over 3,000 entries! Of course, we are still working through the backlog of #Shakespeare400 and #ShakespeareLives performances and publications, so don't fret if your 2017 publication is not yet in the WSB: we will get to it in the new year.

Happy holidays from the WSB team!

September 2017

We'd like to welcome three new World Shakespeare Bibliography doctoral fellows to the team: Lauren Liebe (returning), Caitlin Brenner, and Courtney Price.  If you're interested in learning more about the program, read more here.

We also extend a hearty welcome to our newest international corespondents: Dr. Seong-kwan Cho, Kyunghee University (Korea) and Stan Reiner van Zon, Utrecht University (The Netherlands).

Check out our list of international correspondents and contact us (wsb@tamu.edu) if you're interested in joining the team!

July 2017

In early July 2017, we completed our second quarterly update for the year (Summer 2017). This update has 517 new entries, including 172 productions. English was the most popular language, though in this update, we were also pleased to publish annotations for 88 Korean journal articles!

June 2017

We are pleased to welcome Melissa Filbeck to our team as a WSB doctoral fellow (summer appointment); we are also glad to welcome Nicole Hagstrom-Schmidt back for further work as a WSB doctoral fellow.

This June, WSB editor Laura Estill will be attending the Digital Humanities Summer Institute in Victoria, BC, Canada--if you'll be there and want to be in touch, please email us and we'll set up a meeting.

April 2017

New this April: the ability to search multiple tags at once--and to incorporate tags into your advanced search!  See the Search Help page for details on how to use this powerful search tool.

With the Spring 2017 update (now launched), the WSB is at over 120,000 items! Check out some of the newly-added Catalan transcriptions of Shakespeare or explore the "Spring 2017" update using advanced search to see the latest entries.

We look forward to meeting with our correspondents at the 2017 Shakespeare Association of America meeting this April.  If you're a WSB user, come get some swag in the SAA book room!  We'll be at the table with the Folger Shakespeare Library.

March 2017

We are pleased to announce that the WSB includes over one million reviews! This includes both book reviews and reviews of professional productions.  Congratulations to our team, especially Dr. Krista May, who made this happen!

This semester, we're embarking on a pedagogical partnership with students in Professor Nandra Perry's advanced Shakespeare class at Texas A&M University.  If you are interested in having your class learn more about the WSB (from virtual classroom visits to designing projects for students around the WSB, please don't hesitate to contact us at wsb@tamu.edu).

January 2017

With the end of 2016 comes the end of our Winter 2016 update, with hundreds of new reviews and annotated entries, including a number of musical scores and digital projects. 

This semester, thanks to Texas A&M University's English undergraduate office, we look forward to working with Brittany Ochoa as a UPREP (Undergraduate Professional Research Experience Program) intern. Brittany will be focusing on expanding the WSB's information on Shakespearean performance history.

With the new year, we are pleased to welcome two new international correspondents to our team: Dr. Kendra Preston Leonard and Dr. Dídac Pujol. Contact us if you'd like to learn about joining our team of international correspondents!

On a sadder note, we turn to the recent and unexpected death of one of our international contributors, Sarbani Chaudhury (University of Kalyani, India).  Professor Chaudhury's contributions to the Shakespearean community focused on multicultural and international Shakespeare.

James L. Harner, former WSB editor, was recently honored in Shakespeare Quarterly by Gail Kern Paster and Barbara A. Mowat. Jim is still greatly missed: we continue his legacy here with the WSB.

October 2016

We are glad to welcome former WSB doctoral fellows Nicole Hagstrom-Schmidt and Noah Peterson back to our team for this semester.

September 2016

Our Summer 2016 update is now live!  This update includes hundreds of new entries, including Gary Busey's One-Man Hamlet as Performed by David Carl and three new Czech-language monographs.

August 2016

We are pleased to welcome Abigail Stricker and Landon Sadler to the World Shakespeare Bibliography team as our WSB doctoral fellows for 2016-17. 

June 2016

The new site is officially launched!  Thanks to all who contributed to making this a successful transition, including our editorial team, Laura Estill and Krista May; the Folger Shakespeare Library, particularly Eric Johnson, Anna Levine, Mike Poston, and Margaret Collins; the Web Development Group (WDG); our doctoral fellows, Jordan Gray and Lauren Liebe; and our interns, Madision Imiola and Eryn Lyle.

Our relaunched site features exciting new functionality, including mobile compatibility, linking through to journal articles to which your library has electronic access, increased advanced search functionality, and much more. We are particularly pleased to offer "musical score" as a new document type.  Our new site also includes an increased coverage of digital projects and, for the first time, podcast series devoted entirely to Shakespeare.

Thank you for your patience as we rolled out this update.  Happy searching!  (Or browsing.)