
Publications Needed

World Shakespeare Bibliography Publications Not Yet Located

We have been unable to locate the following books, articles, and other publications. Since our information comes from a variety of sources, details may be inaccurate or incomplete. The most recently added works are marked by an asterisk (*). This list was last updated on 22 January 2025.

If you can supply a copy of--or any information about--any of the following, please contact the Editor at wsb@folger.edu or send copies to Heidi Craig, Editor, World Shakespeare Bibliography, Department of English, University of Toronto Scarboroughm 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON. M1C 1A4, Canada.

Publications Not Yet Located

Abele, Elizabeth. "Towards a More Profitable Life: Following Hamlet in 1990s Hollywood." In-between: Essays and Studies in Literary Criticism 17, nos. 1-2 (2002).

Accorsi, Stefano. Stefano Accorsi legge Sonetti. Rome: Emons audiolibri, 2014. [Sound recording (1 CD). ISBN: 9788898425174. OCLC: 898729753].

Activate: The Journal of the ACT Associaton for the Teaching of English 19 (??). [Entire issue.]

Ahmad, Shafi. Bangadeshe Shakespeare. Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1988. [No loans. OCLC 59078277.]

Ahrens, Rudiger. "Die Shakespeare-Ubersetzung: Die neue Englisch-Deutsche Studienausgabe der Dramen Shakespeare." Blick 1 (2003): ?-?. [Can't locate.]

Alegret, Daniel, Joan Enric Barcelo, Eduard Costa, and Ferran Pique. "Apunto Shakespeare." 2014. [Musical score.]

Alexandropoulos, Metsos. Ho Tolstoi, ho Saixper kai hoi treloi. Athens: Ekdoseis Delphini, 1996.  [No loans. Copy at NYPL. OCLC #51974852.]

Almagor, Dan, translator. Shene bene tovim mi-Veronah=The two gentlemen of Verona. [Tel Aviv: ha-Te'atron ha-Kameri, 2003. [OCLC 58409128. No loans.]

Ambroz, Darinka, and Mojca Poznanovic. Antigona in Hamlet za maturante. Ljubljana: Rokus, 1997. [NOCLC. 1997 IBT: 3005.]

Aoki, Keiji. "Valentine's Renunciation of Silvia and Julia's Swoon: A Balance of Irony in The Two Gentlemen of Verona." English Review (St. Andrew's University, Sakai, Osaka, Japan) 8 (Dec. 1993): ?-?. [Cannot locate.]

Aphel, Donata. "La tempesta di Shakespeare commentata da Northrop Frye." Il giornale di Vicenza 18 maggio 1979, p. ?.

Arriola Woog, Enrique, and Luis Ignacio Sainz. Shakespeare: Miscelanea de lecturas. Mexico: Times, 2000.

Arthurs, Moira; MacKenzie, Clayton, eds. Much Ado about Nothing: A Guide for Teachers. Oxford: Oxford Stage Company, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Aruji, Yoko, Kazuko Narusawa, and Shigeko Funaki, eds. Kyutei no Bunjintachi: Igirisu Runessansu no Patoron Seido [Literary Figures at Court: Patronage in the English Renaissance]. Tokyo: Liber, 1997. [Not in OCLC. Probably in Japanese. Review card file.]

Astrana Marin, Luis, tr. Sueno de una noche de verano. Barcelona: Oribs, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1804. NOCLC.]

Babler, Otto F., tr. Sonet sedesátý sestý a stý dvacátý devátý. Prague: Lyry Pragensis, 1992. [OCLC 39604651. No loans.]

Bacigalupo, Massimo. Review of Gilberto Sacerdoti, ed. Poemetti. Indice (Turin) 2 (2001): 11. [2001ABELL: 5188.]

Bakker, Nigel, ed. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Capetown: Maskew Miler Longman, 1999. [No U.S. locations.]

Bakker, Nigel; Parr, Anthony; Probyn, Margaret, eds. Julius Caesar. Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman, 1998. [OCLC 54988323; no loans.]

Bakos, Aron, Imola Deak-Szebeni, Andras Benke, et al. Esemenyek, folyamatok, szovegek: a kolozsvari Hungarologiai Tudomanyok Doktori Iskola tanulmanyai. Kolozsvar: Egyetemi Muhely: Bolay Tarsasag, 2017. [ISBN: 9786068886015. OCLC: 997451604,]

Ballesteros Gonzalez, Antonio, translator. Hamlet. Madrid: Editorial EDA F, 1998.

Bandopadhyay, Shamik. "Picasso, Aragon, Hamlet." Ebang Mushayera 8, no. 4 (2002): 198-99 [Journal title may also be listed as: Ebaṃ muśāẏerā : sāhitya o saṃskr̥ti bishaẏaka traimāsika patrikā.]

Baranczak, Stanislaw, and Gerald Eades Bentley. Otello--Maur wenecki. Krakow: Znak, 2002. [ISBN: 9788324002085. OCLC: 749329838.]

Barghigiani, Veronica. "A Dream of Passion: Lo Hamlet inedito di Edward Gordon Craig." Baubo : rivista di cultura teatrale del C.U.T. di Pisa. 11, no. 21 (1996): ?-?. [U of Pisa Library has copy.]

Barko, Judit. "A szentivaneji alom." In Dolgozatok az iroi nevadasrol. Ed. Mihaly Hajdu. Budapet: Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem, 1991. [1992 BIHR 3255. NOCLC.]

Bartos, Traian Marcel. Tripticul Shakespeare, Partea 3, Julian si Romina Sau Balada-tango a Clujului vesnic. Cluj-Napoca: Dokia, 2015. [ISBN: 9786068492537.]

Bayón, Damián Carlos. "Un sueño de una noche de verano..." Plural (Mexico) 16 (January 1973): 29-30.  [Bad citation.]

Bellini, Vincenzo. I Capuleti e i Montecchi. Milan: Ricordi, 1991. [Copy at Rutgers non-circulating. OCLC 55631421.]

Berczes, Laszlo. "Ardennes folott az eg. Gondolatok a Szentivaneji alom kapscan." Holnap 4, no. 4 (1993): 25-2?.

Berg, Carina. Hommage!: Myrsky Porin teatterissa 1993. [Pori]: Porin kaupunki, (Kehitys), 1994. [OCLC 58149258. No loans.]

Bergmann, Martin S., and Regis Gaspaillard. La vocation du poete dans les pieces de Shakespeare: "Le songe d'une nuite de'ete," "La tempete," "Timon d'Athenes." Paris: Ithaque, 2016. [ISBN: 9782916120546. OCLC: 962280870.]

Bhatia, Praveen. Much Ado about Nothing. New Delhi: UBS Publishers, 1999. [No loans.]

Birch, Madeleine, ed. Winter's Tale. Longman Literature Shakespeare. Harlow: Longman, 1996. [Copies supposedly at British Library and Oxford; perhaps never published.]

Bishop, Henry. Lo! Here the Gentle Lark: From Venus and Adonis. Bloomington: Tichenor, 1998. [OCLC 44880181. Noncirculating.]

Bogdanov, Michael, compiler. Shakespeare's Motley Crew: The Fool in Context. London: Times Educational Supplement, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Bogdanov, Michael, compiler. The Winter's Tale: Director's Notes for Students and Teachers. London: Times Educational Supplement, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Boldea, I., editor. Globalization and Intercultural Dialogue: Mutidisciplinary Perspectives--Language and Discourse. Targu-Mures, Romania: Arhipelag XXI Press, 2014. [Contains essays by Daniela Maria Martole, "Macbeth in Romanian. The Carp Translation" (pp. 888-96), and by Daniela Haisan, "Ion Vinea's Intercultural Dialogues: Translations from English and French" (pp. 932-38). ISBN:  978-606-93691-3-5.]

Boonen, Johan. Midzomernachtsdroom. Amsterdam: International Theatre & Film Books, 2001. [ISBN: 9789064036033. OCLC: 66938400.]

Borges, Jorge Luis. "La memoria de Shakespeare." El Correo Catalan (especial Domingo) 6 April 1980.

Boussard, Jacqueline. "Fastoff, gouverneur de l'Anjou et le Falstaff de Shakespeare." Societe des Lettres, Sciences, & Arts du Saumurois 80, no. 138 (1989): 5-15. [OCLC 17627233.]

Bozkurt, Bulent. "'Olmak ya da olmamak' olur mu? [How to say Julius Caesar in Turkish? 'Translating' the titles of Shakespeare's plays]." Translation Studies in the New Millennium: Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on  Translation and Interpreting, Bilkent University School of Applied Languages Department of Translation and Interpretation Ankara, Turkey, October 16-18, 2002. Ed. Barbara Blackwell Gulen, Ismail Boztas, Christoph Veldhues. Ankara : Bilkent University, 2002. [No loans; OCLC 52836439.]

Braid, David. "Songs of Contrasting Subjects: Mezzo Soprano and Guitar." DZ 2798, Productions d'Oz. 2017. [Musical score. ISBN: 9782897377151. Accession No: OCLC: 974417441.]

Bredlow, Harald. Julius Caesar de Shakespeare au XVIIIe siŠcle fran‡ais et la traduction de Nicolas de Bonneville. Fribourg: Eds. Saint Michel, 1989. [Not in OCLC. Out of print.]

Brender a Brandis, G. A Gathering of FLowers from Shakespeare. Stratford, Ontario: G. Brender a Brandis, 1997. [Limited edition. No loans.]

Bruckner-Schunk, Thomas. "I am determined to prove a villain: Shakespeares Richard III als Internet Projekt." Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 46, no. 4 (2000): 27-30

*Buchanan, Henry. A Midsummer Night's Dream: A New Interpretation. Glasgow: Kelvin Press, 2019. [ISBN: 9781707259243. OCLC: 1232741616.]

Bullard, Alan. Ten Songs for Voice and PIanoo. Colchester: Colne, 1996. [Only at Oxford.]

Bunnell, W. S. Notes on Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona. London: Methuen, 1980. [Copy at Oxford U. OCLC 52320330.]

Bunshichi, Miyauchi. "Antoni to Kureopatora kenkyu." Bunka Hokoku [Cultural Sciences Report of Kagoshima University] 8 (1959): 193-224; 9 (1960): 15-33.

Burgess, Anthony. Vsechno, jen slunce ne: Pribeh Shakespearova milostneho zivota. Tr. Jan Flemr. Prague: Odeon, 2003. [No loans. OCLC 53262862.]

Burnstone, Daniel. Shakespeare. Bristol: Parragon, 1995. [No locatil"ons. Not available from Amazon.com. OCLC 57008286.]

Bursey, Jane; Lemmer, Andre, eds. Shakespeare's Macbeth. Manzini: Macmillan Boleswa, 1995. [Not in OCLC.]

Bursey, Jane, ed. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Manzini: Macmillan Boleswa, 1995. [Not in OCLC.]

Bursey, Jane, ed. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Manzini: Macmillan Boleswa, 1995. [Not in OCLC.]

Bursey, Jane, ed. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Manzini: Macmillan Boleswa, 1995. [Not in OCLC.]

Burwick, Frederick. "The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery: The American Artists, The American Edition." Anglistik: Organ des Verbandes Deutscher Anglisten 25, no. 1 (March 2014): 61-76. (ISSN: 0947-0034.)

Butcher, Sally. Painting Shakespeare: An Introduction to Selected Paintings Based on Scenes from Shakespeare's Plays and Their Use in the English Classroom. Occasional Papers: University of Southampton Centre for Language in Education 39. Southampton: U of Southampton, 1995. [OCLC 54867446. Copy at Leeds.]

Butler, James; Vanna, Lucia de. A Midsummer nights' dream. Barcelona: Vives, 1999. [Can't get. OCLC 54804676.]

Cahiers Jean Vilar 117 (2014). [Special issue on "Perspectives Shakespeare."]

Cajander, Paavo, translator. Draamoja. 3rd edition. Helsinki: WSOY, 1992. [OCLC 57984575. No loans.]

Cajander, Paavo , translator. Myrsky. Helsinki: WSOY, Tummavuori, 2002. [OCLC 58356502. No loans.]

Calabrese Conte, Rita. "'Die unendliche Ann„herung': Teoria della traduzione in A. W. Schlegel." Quaderni di lingue e letterature stranieri 19 (1986): 47-81 [Can't locate in U.S. library--volume lacking in those reporting holdings.]

Calenda, Antonio, and Giorgio Melchori. William Shakespeare: Sogno di una notte di mezza estate. Milano: Mondadori, 2014. [ISBN: 9788804645382.]

Caliskan, Hamit, translator. Kral V. Henry. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasi, 2013. Accession No.: OCLC: 880918024.

Campusano T., Jaime. El mercader de Venecia; Sueño de una noche de verano. Santiago: Portada, Edititura Antártica, 1987. [No loans. OCLC 55312319.]

Carpenter, Gary. The Food of Love: Songs of William Shakespeare: For Mixed Choir & Pianoforte. Book 1. 2014.

Carroll, Tim, comp. Macbeth by William Shakespeare. London: Times Educational Supplement, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Casaldo, Annalisa, ed. King Henry the Sixth: Parts I, II, and III. New Kittredge Shakespeare. Newbury, MA: Focus Publishing/R Pullins Company, 2014. ISBN: 9781585103584.

Castellon, J. "Shakespeare, Peota del mar." Mares 48-49 (1948): 35-37. [Bad citation.]

Cathala, Jean-Paul, tr. La tempete. Lezignan: Editions Avant Quart, 1991. [Not in OCLC.]

Chabin, Valerie. "Violence domestique et violence politique dans lear de Bond." Coup de theatre 15 (1998).

Chakdah College. Evil and Its Ramifications in Shakespeare: Macbeth and Other Plays. A Post-seminar Publication of UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar at Chakdah College. Chakdah, India: Chakdah College, 2011.  [Contains "Absolutist Hagiography and the Function of the Chorus in Henry V" by Sarbani Chaudhury, pp. 48-58,]

Chang, Ying-fen. "The Eden in Othello." Taipei shang chuan hsueh pao 36 (June 1991): 43-50. [NOCLC.]

Chaudhuri, Mafiz, tr. Romeo and Juliet.  Dhaka : Mowla Brothers, 1984. [OCLC 58960984]

Chaudhury, Sarbani. "The Afterlife of Macbeth in Nineteenth Century Bengal: A Case Study." MS Academic: An Inernational, Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal 1, no. 3 (May 2011): 1-11. [ISSN: 2229-6484.]

Chausson, Ernest. Vingt melodies pour chant et piano. Paris: Salabert, 2000. [No loans. OCLC 53830755.]

Chen, Mei-hsueh. "Blood Imagery in Shakespearean Tragedy." Huang pu hsueh pao 22 (October 1990): 101-16. [NOCLC.]

Cheng, Chu-chueh. "Rosalind: A Heroine Shaped by the Comic World in As You Like It." Wen tsao hsueh pao 5 (March 2001): 47-100. [No locations.]

Ch'oe, Chong-chi'ol. Sonet'u, si [Sonnets]. (Seiksupio chonjip, 10.) Seoul: Minumsa, 2016. [ISBN: 9788937431302. OCLC: 962334260,]

Chung, Shian; Wang, Huang. "Hamlet Cheng Syh Lu." Xiqu Yanjiu 5 (1993): 56-66. [1992-93 IBT: 401. Not in OCLC.]

Cifarelli, Maria Rita. Shakespeare. Tr. Ester Benitez Eiroa. Barcelona; Circulo de Lectores, 1985. [Not in OCLC.]

*Cintron, Maelo (adapted by); Howard, Robert E. Songs of Bastards. Miami: Conquest Comics, 1992.

Clarke, Graham. Mr. William Shakespeare: The Life and Times of. Boughton Monchelsea: Graham Clarke, 1995. [Copy at Huntington.]

Claus, Hugo, tr. Koning Lear. Amsterdam: International Theatre and Film Books, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Claybourne, Anna. The Comedy, History, and Tragedy of William Shakespeare. Illustrated by Adria Meserve. London: Franklin Watts, 2014. [ISBN: 9781445131870]

Colley, Linda. Shakespeare and the Limits of National Culture. Egham: Royal Holloway, University of London, 1999. [Colley has no spare copies nor does Penelope Corfield at Royal Holloway. Copy at Oxford but won't loan.]

Colliander, Laura; Niemelä, Kyösti. XXI Kyky [Helsinki : Helsingin kaupunki, 1993. [OCLC  58098665. No loans.]

Conejero, Manuel Ángel. Hamlet from Hamlet. Valencia: Shakespeare Foundation of Spain, 1994. [Copy at Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies. No loans.]

Conejero, Manuel Ángel et al., trs. Macbeth: Copia d'actors. Valencia: Departament de les Arts, Palau de la Musica, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1793. NOCLC.]

Constantinescu, Marina. "Shakespeare, Contemporanul nostru." Romania literara 4 May 1994, p. 16. [Bad citation.]

Coote, Stephen. William Shakespeare: Macbeth. Penguin Passnotes. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1984. [All locations non-circulating.]

Cordier, Jean-Pierre, tr. Le marchand de Venise. Amiens: Corps Puce, 1992. [1992 BIHR: 3233. NOCLC.]

Correia, M. Helena de Paiva. "Shakespeare, a Bela e o Monstro."

Correia, M. Helena de Paiva. "The Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, All's Well That Ends Well e o Caso." Miscelania de Estudos Dedicados a Fernando de Mello Moser. Lisboa, 1985. 455-70. [NOCLC; NRLIN.]

Costa de Beauregard, Raphaelle. "Du violet au brun: Aspects de la pensee europeenne a la Renaissance." La pensee europeenne a la Renaissance. Paris: Touzot, 1990. [Not in OCLC.]

Costantini, E. "Il re promette sangue, sudore e un letamaio." Corriere della sera 29 gennaio 1988.

Crawford, John W. "Asem--Goldsmith's Solution to Timon's Dilemma." Pendulum of Time and the Arts 14 (Sept.-Oct 1970): 4-6, 14. [Sajdak TT18.]

Croiset, Hans. "Het onreche Shakespeare aangedaan." Maart 1 (1988): 52-57.

Cruciani, Fabrizio. "Storia e storiografia del teatro: Saggio bibliografico." Rivista di studi pirdandelliani 1, i (1984), 7-81. [Bad citation. Copy at Indiana U.]

Curtis, Theresa. "Twelfth Night and As You Like It." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW 1 (2000): 66-??.

Dahl, Christian. "'Beware the Ides of March': Shakespeares Julius Caesar mellem begivenhed og gentagelse." Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 2 (April 2014): 20-25. [ISSN: 0024-5895]

Datta, Amaresh. "On the Spirit of Comedy and Shakespeare." Ozuhati University Journal (Arts) 28-29 (1977-78): 1-10. [Sajdak H74. Not in OCLC.]

Davies, Megan. "A Word from Shakespeare." Something 2.4 (1996): 5-??. [Bad citation.]

Dean, Brett. "'And once I played Ophelia': For Soprano and String Quartet." Australian Music Center, 2014. [musical score]

Dean, Brett, and Matthew Jocelyn. "From Melodius Lay a Hamlet Diffraction: For Soprano, Tenor, and Orchestra." 2016. [Musical score. OCLC: 964390130.]

---. "Rooms of Elsinore: For Viola and Piano, 2017." Commissioned by the Library of Congress Dina Koston and Roger Shapiro Fund and the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, with support from the Brown Foundation, 2017. [Musical score. Accession No: OCLC: 982734673.]

---. "Hamlet: Act 2." Libretto by Matthew Jocelyn after William Shakespeare. [Accession No: OCLC: 979552101.]

Demant-Eue, Felix. Das dramatische Leben des Christopher M. Hamburg: Himmelsturmer, 2015. [Vocal score. ISBN: 9783863615000.]

Dennis, Mary Lovejoy. King Lear by William Shakespare: Teacher Guide. San Antonio: Novel Units, 2000. [OCLC 56106827.]

Deprats, Jean-Michel, tr. Hamlet. Paris: Edit 71, 1983. [Not in OCLC.]

Deprats, Jean-Michel, tr. Vie et mort du roi Jean. Gennevilliers: Theatre de Gennevilliers, 1992. [1992 BIHR: 3245. NOCLC.]

Desai, R.W. "The Beginnings of Parliamentary Democracy in Tudor England as Refracted in Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece, the First Tetralogy, and Hamlet." 20 (January 2014): 1-13. [ISSN: 0976-0199.]

---. "Critiquing Shakespeare the Man." The Critical Endeavour (The Researcher's Association, Odisha) 19 (January 2013): 94-127. [ISSN: 0976-0199.]

Devine, Brian. Rhyming Paraphrase of William Shakespeare's King Lear. Dublin: B. Devine, 2001. [No locations. OCLC 50876697.]

Dey, Naina. "The Bard's Better Half." The Sunday Statesman 2 January 2011.

---. "On Legitimising 'Murder' in Macbeth." Uttaran Literary Magazine 2010-2011.

Diaz Garcia, Jesus. "Preludio para una interpretacion de The Tempest de W. Shakespeare." Celacanto 1983: 27-30. [LC lacks issues.]

Diez de Miranda, Fernando, tr. Romeo y Julieta. Santiago : Zig-Zag, 1993. [OCLC 55287097. Copy at Dibam Biblioteca Nacional de Chile.]

Dixon, Isobel. "Woorde wat voortleef van Shakespeare." Boekewereld (South Africa) 21 May 1999, p. 3. [No locations.]

Dolman, Jane, adapter. Othello/Aosailuo. Hong Kong: Pearson Education Asia, 2004. [OCLC 57348855. Copy at Hong Kong University. Not at Pearson Education Asia Web site.]

Domingo Baguer, Ignazio. "Roman Polansky and Orson Welles: Two Difference Approaches to Macbeth." Actas del XV Congreso de ZEDEAN. Universidad de La Rioja, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Doody, Margaret. "U of Victoria Shakespearean Festival." The Critic (Canada) 1 (October 1964): 21-24. [Not in OCLC.]

Drake, Jane. Uiliam Shekspir: Stratford-na-Eivone i sautvark. Andover: Pitkin Guides, 1998. [Copy at BL only.]

Drotos, Ron. Three Jazz Madrigals. "Rondeau Press, 199?. [N OCLC. Review: Carlson, Corydon J. Chorla Journal 36, no. 9 (1996): 77-78.]

Dubar, Monique. "Hamlet 1900? Un exemple significatif de la presence de Shakespeare en France au tournant du siecle dernier." Ateliers 18 (1998): 31-40. [MLAIB. Requested offprint from author; no response.]

Dumortier, Jean-Louis. De Shakespeare a Sartre. Actualite de la tragedie classique et du drame romantique. Wavre-Wommelgem: Van In, 2002. [ISBN: 9030632208. Permalink: http://hdl.handle.net/2268/31505.]

Dutta, Paramita. "'Not being well married': The Portrayal of Clandestine Marriages in As You Like It." Jadavpur University Essays and Studies 23 (2009): 65-82. [ISSN: 0975-3478.]

Dutta, S. K. "Shakespeare as a Lawyer." Kurukshatra Research Journal 4, nos. 1-2 (1970): 179-84. [Bad citation.]

Ebiko, Eiji. "Problems of Macbeth." Sapporo Tanki Daigaku, Ronshu A11 (1964): 179-94. [No holdings. Sajdak EE56.]

Ebiko, Eiji. "AStudy of Macbeth Act III, Scene iii--Who Was the Third Murderer?" Sapporo Tanki Daigaku, Ronshu 9 (1961): 157-66. [No holdings. Sajdak EE25.]

Ebiko, Eiji. "A Study of Macbeth Act III, Scene ii--The Views Concerning the Ghost of Banquo." Sapporo Tanki Daigaku, Ronshu 10 (1962): 177-87. [No holdings. Sajdak EE36.]

Eco, Umberto. "Obras peligrosas." Suplemento Literario La Nación (Buenos Aires) 9 January 1994, p. 6. [Can't locate.]

Ege, Sema. "The Lonely Voyagers at the 'Salted Death': From Shakespeare to Darwin, from Coleridge to Melville, from Defoe to Swift to Poe and Conrad." Littera Edebiyat yazilari 30 (2012).

Ehrnrooth, Albert. "Forsta sasongen for Shakespeares nya Globe." Teateridningen 21, no. 2 (1997): 34-35. [Copy at Harvard Theatre Collection but won't copy.]

Eisenstein, Sergej, Oksana Bulgakowa, and Dietmar Hochmuth. Das Urphänomen Kunst: Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Oksana Bulgakowa & Dietmar Hochmuth. Berlin: Potemkin Press, 2017. [ISBN: 9783943190106. Accession No: OCLC: 973717807.]

Enckell, Johanna. "I tragedin ar clownen kung." Teatertidningen 12, no. 42 (1989): 12-17. [No U.S. holdings.]

Enckell, Johanna. Shakespeare: Tid och text med kommentarer och en förkortad och förenklad version av Romeo and Juliet. [Helsingfors] : Söderström, 1976. [OCLC 58016873. No loans.]

Erckenbrecht, Ulrich. Divertimenti: Wortspiele, Sprachspiele, Gedankenspiele. Gottingen : Muriverlag, 1999. [OCLC 55678976. No loans.]

Exley, Helen. Shakespeare lemmestä. Translated by Aale Tynni and Paavo Cajander. Helsinki: Kolibri, 2000. [OCLC 58300281. No loans.]

Eyuboglu, Sabahattin, translator. Julius Caesar. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasai, 2013. Accession No: OCLC 880918044.

*Falkner, Jennifer. Susanna Hall: Her Book. Madeira Park, British Columbia: Fish Gotta Swim Editions, 2022. [ISBN: 9780978005481 OCLC: 1299316204. Novel about Susanna Hall, Shakespeare's eldest daughter.]

Favari, F. "Macbeth a scuola e la Lady balla il tango." Corriere della sera 13 giugno 1985. [Possibly a bad citation.]

Feist, Hildegard, translator. Otelo o mouro de Veneza. São Paulo: SP Scipione, 1996. [No loans. OCLC #55932005.]

Ferrara, Fernando, ed. Materiali per lo studio di Antony and Cleopatra di William Shakespeare. Naples: Napoli Pesole, 1988. [Not in OCLC.]

Fesch, Willem de.The Tempest songs, or, The enchanted island: For soprano, small ensemble and basso continuo : 1745. Ed. Robert L. Tusler. Amsterdam: Donemus, 2004. [OCLC 56491655; no loans.]

Figueroa, Gustavo. "La locura de Hamlet." Folia psiquiatrica 4 (1998): 9-16.

Fitzgerald, Bernadette. Ways into Shakespeare. Bristol: County of Avon, 1980. [OCLC 20297793. No loans. No longer available from publisher.]

Flemming, Gunther. Hamlet Cicerone: Ein Lekturebegleiter durch die Tragodie des Prinzen. ??: epubli GMbH, 2014.

Flere, Djurdja. "William Shakespeare Vihar." Nasi razgledi 33, no. 10 (1984): 315. [No holdings. 1984 BIHR: 3521.]

Fox, Levi. A Shakespeare Treasury. Norwich: Jarrold, 1998. [OCLC 56455313. No loans.]

Frances-Hoad, Cheryl. "Two Shakespeare Songs: For Soprano and Piano." Newport: Cadenza Music, 2014. [musical score.]

Franklin, A. J. "Measure for Measure: Textual Problems: A Resume." Journal of English Studies 2 (1979): 24-40. [OCLC 8743747; apparently a bad citation.]

---."Changing Critical Attitude toward Measure for Measure." Journal of English Studies 3 (1980): 13-18. [Bad citation?]

Franzobel. Othello oder Ein Schlechter von Hernals. Wien: Passagen, 2014. [ISBN: 9783709201299. Might be music.]

Friden, Ann. "Att vara eller inte vara, Shakespeare pa Kunglig scen i 1800-talets Scotkholm." Den Svenska Nationalscene (Lund: Wiken, 1988). [Not in OCLC.]

Frohnsdorff, Michael. Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Its Possible Links with Christopher Marlowe. [Great Britain]: Caltha Kit Publications, 2004. [Copy at British Library. OCLC 60511734.]

---. Why & How Did Shakespeare Write His Poems and Plays. [Great Britain]: Caltha Kit Publications, 2004. [Copy at British Library. OCLC 60511739.]

Frye, Northrop. Les fous du temps: Sur les tragedies de Shakespeare. Translated by Jean Mouchard. Paris: Belin, 2002. [OCLC 51085603. No loans.]

Frye, Northrop. Sobre Shakespeare. 2nd ed. Sao Paulo: Edusp, 1999. [No loans. OCLC 46747425.].

Furusawa, Mitsuo. Shakespeare Higeki no Kenkyu: Katt, enrei, Yugo, Tnima, Sokoku, Taishi no Sekai. Osaka: Kyoiku Tosho, 1983. [No locations.]

Fust, Milan. "Opsti podaci o Sekspiru." Gradac 12, no. 59 (1984): 33-44. [LC copy not on shelf. 1984 BIHR: 3529.]

Garcia-Perla Garcia, Ma. Teresa. "Ecos shakesperianos en la filosofia sobre el mal latente en Moby Dick." Actas des XV Congreso de AEDEAN. Universidad de La Rioja, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Gardette, Raymond, ed. Othello. Paris: Le livre de Poche, 1996. [Not in OCLC.]

Gardner, C. O. "Some Notes on the Comic Seriousness of Twelfth Night." Theoria (University of Natal) 20 (June 1963): 24-31. [Bad citation? Sajdak WW17.]

Garfield, Leon. Macbeth ja muita Shakespearen kertomuksia. Translated by Alice Martin. Porvoo: WSOY, 1989. [OCLC 57796247. No loans.]

Garner, Margaret. "A Study of the Uses of Edgar in King Lear." Miyagi Gakuin Joshi Daigaku. Kenkyu Rombun-shu 28 (1966): 1-18. [No locations. Sajdak CC113.]

Garrone, N. "Macbeth e Orson Welles." Corriere della sera 21 gennaio 1988. [Possibly a bad citation.]

Gay, Virginia. "Shakespeare's Sonnets in Love." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW 1 (2000): 49-??.

Gelfert, Hans-Dieter. Shakespeare. 2nd edition. Munich: Beck, 2014. ISBN: 9783406663772.

Gentili, V. La recita della follia: Funzioni dell'insania nel teatro dell'eta di Shakespeare. 2nd ed. Torino: Einaudi, 1985 [NOCLC.]

Gerardu, Viviane; Duggan, Fiona. "Frontloading Macbeth." Activate: the Journal of the ACT Association for the Teaching of English 18, no. 1 (2003): 40-??. [Can't get. Requested from editors, 12.1.04; no response.]

Germanous, Maria. Re-Reading Shakespeare: Post-War Approaches. Athens: Parousia, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Giammusso, M. "La carrozzella di re Duncan." Corriere della sera 20 gennaio 1987. [Possibly a bad citation.]

Giampa, Ivana. Shakespeare's Julia: in Schrift, Theater und Film. Wettingen, 2017. [OCLC: 994030007]

Gibson, Rex. "Active Methods in Shakespeare Classrooms." Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 46, no. 4 (2000): 17-21.

Gill, Robert J. "Did Shakespeare Intend to Philosophize?" Sapientia (Eichi Daigaku) 1 (March 1967): 71-82. [Sajdak F210. No locations.]

Gilmor, Alison. "Review of Shakespeare in Moscow: A director's diary; review of Hot Ice [By Guy Sprung and Rita Much]." Border Lines 11, no. 1 (1992): 53. [Bad citation.]

Giorgini, Ciro, ed. Decoupage: Laboratori sul cinema di Orson Welles. Rome: Comune di Roma, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Girard, Ren‚. "La morne vengeance de Hamlet," Les saisons de Saint-Jean 15 (Autumn 1986): 23-38; 16 (Winter 1986): 5-35. [Translation of "Hamlet's Dull Revenge"; not in OCLC.]

"Globe Theatre Global Education." Teaching and Learning 3 (2003): 42-43.

Gohain, Hiren. "Svekspiyer aru Adhyatmabhav [Shakespeare and Spirituality]." Navyug: East Africa's Largest Circulated Gujarati Paper May 1964.

*Gomes da Torre, M., translator. Medida por medida. Porto: campo das Letras, 2001. [ISBN: 972640470X.]

González Padilla, María Enriqueta, tr. El Cuento de invierno. 2nd ed. México : UNAM, Coordinación de Humanidades, 1996. [No loans. OCLC 57497582.]

Gorathpwi, Firaq. Hamlet. New Delhi: Sahitya Academy, 1976. [OCLC 58953718. No loans.]

Gordon, D. J. L'immagine e la parola: Cultura e simboli del Rinascimento. Milan: Il Sagiatore, 1987. [Translation of Renaissance Imagination, 1975. Not in OCLC.]

Gordon, Michael. Yo Shakespeare. New York: Red Poppy (Schirmer), 1992. [No loans. Copy at U of Michigan. OCLC 53025455.]

Gordon, Sarah Ann. Hamlet: Active Approaches to Shakespeare for the under Twelves. London: Buttonhole, 1998.

Gordon, Sarah Ann. Henry V: Active Approaches to Shakespeare for the under Twelves. London: Buttonhole, 1998.

Gordon, Sarah Ann. A Midsummer Night's Dream: Active Approaches to Shakespeare for the under Twelves. London: Buttonhole, 1997.

Gordon, Sarah Ann. A Midsummer Night's Dream: Active Approaches to Shakespeare for the under Twelves. London: Buttonhole, 1999. [OCLC Copies at British Library and Oxford. Not on amazon.com.uk.]   

Gordon, Sarah Ann. Twelfth Night: Active Approaches to Shakespeare for the Under Twelves. London: Buttonhole, 1998. [No loans.]

Gorriz Villarroya, Manuel. "El Fool en King Lear." Revista de investigacion (Soria) 1: Filologia 9.1 (1985): 17-26. [Not in OCLC.]

Gorriz Villarroya, Manuel. "Los padres de los amantes en Romeo and Juliet." Revista de investigación (Soria) 1: Filología 8 (1984): 63-71. [NOCLC.]

Gourdon, Anne-Marie. "A Study of the Audience Reception of a Show: Robert Hossein's Jules Caesar in a Large Polyvalent Paris Venue (5000 Seats)." Tijdschrift voor Theaterwetenschappen 8, nos. 31-32 (1992): 121-30. [NOCLC]

Goyder, Joanna. "Scheduling Monuments: The Rose Theatre Case." Building Law Monthly June 1989: 5-8. [Not in OCLC.]

*Gratton, Daniel. Shakespeare. Bolton, Lancashire: Gratton, 2014. [Poetry. OCLC: 953637494]

Gratz, Alan. Something Wicked v2.0.Bakersville, NC, 2014. [OCLC:  900089724.]

Gray, Chris. "Hamlet and Politics." New Interventions, Socialist Discussion Journal 12, no. 4 (Fall 2008). [Only held by the BL Ref. Collection.]

Gregori, M. G. "Pontedera, dicci anni dopo." L'Unita 19 settembre 1985.

Grey, J. "The Rhythm of the Bard: You Can Love Him or Hate Him." The Teacher: Your Guide to Education (South Africa) 5, no. 3 (March 2000): 8-??. [No holdings.]

Grover, Paul. "Julius Caesar / Powerplay." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW  No. 3 (2003): 35-??. [No locations.]

Guardamagna, D. "Elementi metateatrili nel Macbeth." Recitazioni: Maschere e controfigure regali. Pescara: Libreria dell'Universita, 1986. [NOCLC.]

Gudmundsson, Desiree. Elfen und Waldgeister: Metamorphosen der Kunst zu Shakespeares Sommernachtstraum: Theaterphotographie, Dokumentationen, Bühnenentwürfe, der Aquarell-Zyklus "A midsummer night's dream" von Michael Osterweil.[Schleswig]: Schleswiger Druck- und Verlagshaus, 1994. [No U.S. locations; email is obsolete.]

Guelcher, William. William Shakespeare's Hamlet. Eagan: IdeaWorks, 1989. [No loans.]

Guelcher, William. William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. Eagan: IdeaWorks, 1989. [No loans.]

Guerci, Manolo. "A Stratford-upon-Avon, naperto il teatro di Shakespeare." Il Giornale dell architettura 90 (December 2010): 18-??.

Gui Yangqing. Aiwen he pan de ju ren Shashibiya/Shakespare the Giant of Stratford-upon-Avon. Shanghai: Shanghai wai yu jiao yu chu ban she, 2001. [OCLC 48573894. Noncirculating.]

Gunther, Frank, tr. Ubersezt Shakespeare. 10 vols. Koln: Ute Nyssen, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Guo, Jinghua. "Adaptations of Shakespeare to Chinese Theatre." Cultura: International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology 13, no. 2 (2016): 27-42. [ISSN: 1584-1057]

Guzel, Bogomil, tr. Tragedijata na Hamlet princot danski. Skopje: Kultura, 1989. [Not in OCLC.]

Haas, Beth Martin; Haas, C. Joy. Of hearbes: the diversities, the names, the natures, & the properties : a versified description of remedial substances in householes & gardens of delight knowne to Master William Shakespeare including an entertaining account of their manifest effect in the anatomy of sicknesses with the kindes, symptomes and severall cures of it compounded from the many simples in the closet and containing a particular account of their admirable & expeditious way of curing most diseases. Novato, CA: Living History Center Press, 1977. [OCLC 58929578; limited edition.]

Hagel Echeñique, Jaime. Romeo y Julieta. Santiago: Delfín, Gabriela Mistral, 1974. [No loans. OCLC 55277601.]

Hagiev, Dimitar. "La arto traduki Sekspiron." Literatura Foiro: Kultura Revuo en Esperanto 35, no. 208 (2004): 60-63. [ISSN 0393-2907. No locations.]

Haider, Rashid. Shakespeare the Second. Dhaka: Bangla Academy, 1985. [Held only by SOAS, which doesn't loan].

Haines, W. J. F. King Henry IV, Part I. Coles Notes. Toronto: Coles, 1970. [No loans. OCLC 60506515.]

Hällström, Arto af, translator. Myrsky. [Helsinki] : Otava : Suomen kansallisteatteri, Tammer-paino, 1995. [OCLC 58151633. No loans.]

Halman, Talât Sait. Türk' Shakespeare: Shakespeare'in dünyasinda kahramanlar ve soytarilar . Ankara: Hece Yayinlari, 2003. [OCLC 58601953; copy at Oxford University.]

Hamada, Kazuie. "Anjera Kata Nikutai to Kagami." Journal of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College 39 (February 1996): 163-75 (right). [No loans.]

Hameed, Salih Mahdi. "Prince of Morocco in The Merchant of Venice." Journal of Education and Science: Humanities and Education (University of Mosul, Iraq) 7 (1989): 5-24. [Not in OCLC; ABELL 1989: Item 3924.]

Hammerschmidt-Hummel, Hildegard. "Nur eine Leichte Manie? Shakespeare's Hamlet in psychoanalytischer Deutung." Die Welt 172 (26 July 1980).

Han, Ki-ch'an. Syeiksup'io sarang ui si [Shakespeare in Love]. Soul-si: Chakka Chongsin, 2001. [ISBN: 9788972881520. OCLC: 72440738.]

Hanuszkiewicz, Adam. "Hamlet, czyli przypadek." Nietak-t 16/17 (2014): 57-60.

Haresnape, Geffrey. "Cape Hares and the Moon." Under Lansdowne Bridge 3 (1995): ?-?.

*Hart, David S. Shakespeare's Cycle: Poems for the Seven Ages. Wales: n.p., 2012. [ISBN: 9780956683519; OCLC: 855686770]

Hartley, Mary. The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare. Oxford: Cross Academe, 2017. [ISBN: 9781911160052. Accession No: OCLC: 978362126/]

Harvey, Paul A. S. "More Cakes and Ale: Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night." Gengo bunka kenkyu/Studies in Language and Culture 26 (2000): 77-86. [No loans.]

Harvey, Paul A. S. "Shakespeare at the Globe, London, and in Stratford-upon-Avon, RSC, Summer 1999." Koka joshi daigaku eibei bungaku/Studies in English and American Literature 19 (2000): 1-50. [In MLAIB. Not in OCLC.]

Hassan, Abd al-Hakim, translator. Antunyu wa-Kliyubatra. Jiddah: Dar al-Saudiyah, 1987. [Copy at Minnesota lost.]

Havmoller, Birthe. "Shakespeare." Lovetann 22, no. 3 (1999): ?-?. See http://home.online.no/~lovetann/kontakt.html. [No loans.]

Hawamdeh, Mufeed. "Allusions to Muhammad in Shakespeare: A Lexico-Cultural Study." Damascus University Journal (Humanities) 4 Sept. 1988: 53-72. [U.S. holdings begin post-1988.]

Heale, Jay. "Shakespeare and All That Jazz." Bookchat 129 (1997): 8. [No locations.]

Hikmat, Ali Asghar, comp. Hikayat e Shakespeare. Lahore: Darul Shaur,  1999. [OCLC 59380921. No loans.]

Higa, Miyoko. "Measure for Measure: An Interpretation of Isabella's Pleading for Angelo's Life." Gaikokugo kenkyu December 1994: 19-34.

Higashimori, Isao. "Shekusupia no sakuhin ni okeru danwa no tsunagigo no imi to bunpoka." Kobe College Studies 47, no. 2 (2000): 65-89. [No locations. MLAIB.]

Hladky, Josef, ed. 2 Anglisticko-amerikanisticka konference/Second Conference on English and American Studies. Brno: Brno UP, 1989. [1989 ABELL, Item 6. Not in OCLC.]

Hlebnikov, Velimir. ; Losowitch, Katja. ; Kyrö, Pekka. Tuberkuloosijousi, eli, Shakespeare suurennuslasin alla. [Helsinki]: Yleisradio, 1993. [OCLC 58123513. No loans.]

Hobbelstad, Merete. "Miss litteraturhistories." Filologen 28, no. 3 (1999): ?-?. [NOCLC.]

Hoe, Lok Chong. "Aristotle's Tragic Effect: Its Application to Tragic Plays and Its Modern Relevance." Philosophia--International Journal of Philosophy 16, no. 2 (May 2015): 185-201. [ISSN: 2244-1875.]

Hoeniger, F. David, editor. A Gathering of Flowers from Shakespeare. Stratford, Ontario: Brender a Brandis, 1997. [OCLC 39785705. Copies at National Library of Canada, University of Calgary, and Victoria College (U of Toronto). [In WSB Online as not seen.].

Hoffman, Jens. "Hamlet reist mit Don Quijote. William Shakespeare und Miguel Cervantes nach dreieinhalb Jahrhunderten." Christ und Welt 19 (1966). [No copy available through interlibrary loan.]

Hollenbach, Karl F. Francis Rosicross. Ekron, KY: Dunsinane Hill Publications, 1996. [No loans.]

Hong, Ki-Young. "The Theme and Atmosphere of A Midsummer Night's Dream." Journal of English Language and Literature 22 (1982): 135-53.

Horn, Pamela. Shakespeare in Love. New York: Black Dog, 2001. [No loans.]

Hsi, Ching-chou. "Hamlet's Philosophy about Revenge and Life." Ssu hai hsueh pao 3 (April 1985): 205-95. [Bad citation.]

Hua Quan-kun; Tian Chao-xu. "Symbolism in Shakespeare's King Lear." Waiguoyu 2, no. 132 (March 2001): 61-65. [No holdings.]

Hugo, François-Victor, tr. Macbeth: Texte integral. Notes by Andrew Piasecki and Guy Fontaine. Paris: Hachette, 1991. [1992 BIHR: 3238. NOCLC.]

Hugo, François-Victor, tr. Sonnet 124. Rochefort: Les Petites allées, 2016. [ISBN: 9791092910254. OCLC: 965371181.]

Huldén, Lars, translator. Trettondagsafton. Ekenäs: Ekenäs tryckeri, 1993. [OCLC 58116843. No loans.]

Hulpach, Vladimir. Pribehy ze Shakespearea II. Prague: Aventium, 1997. [Copy at Prague National Library. No loans.]

Ibrahim, Abdulla Mahmood. "Villainy in Much Ado about Nothing." Journal of Education and Science: Humanities and Education (University of Mosul, Iraq) 1 (1979): 5-16. [Not in OCLC; ABELL 1989: item 3944.]

Ieronim, Ioana. Furtuna. In romanes te cu cuvant inainte de Ioana Ieronim [The Tempest. Translation into Romanian and Foreword.] Bucharest: Fundatia Culturala "Camil Petrescu," Revista Teatrul Azi, 2009. [x-ref to & from bbg2088]

Ieronim, Ioana. William Shakespeare: Masura pentru masura. 2009. [ISBN: 9789731220819. Book review: http://editura.liternet.ro/carte/306/William-Shakespeare/Masura-pentru-masura.html ]

Imai, Sachiko. "Arashi saiko (I): Kankyaku no majutsu-epirogu o megutte." Journal of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College 36 (February 1993): 41-50 (left).

Imai, Sachiko. "Arashi saiko (II): Kyariban no 'shizen' o megutte." Journal of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College 38 (February 1995): 45-55 (left). [No loans.]

Imai, Sachiko. "Mirano koshaku no daigomaku: Masshinja no fukushu higeki no mondaiten." Journal of Kyoritsu Women's Junior College 40 (February 1997): 1-12 (left). [No loans.]

Ino, Mikio. "A Note on Shakespeare's Final Mode." Albion (Kyoto University) 20 (1974): 1-16.

International Mutlidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (SGEM). Conference Proceedings. Book 3, Volume 1. Anthoroplogy, Archaeology, History & Philosophy. Sofia: SEF 92 Technology, 2016. [Contains Nellie Shamsutdinova's "Hardy's Narrative as Literary Palimpsest" (87-94) and "English Political Novel of the Late Victorian Period" (63-70). ISBN: 9786197105520. Accession No.: 951293962.]

Iriarte Nunez, Amalia. Lo teatral en la orbra de Shakespeare: Analisis de algunos aspectos escenicos en los dramas del isabelino. Santa Fe de Bogota: Uniandes, 1996. [OCLC 48057064. LC copy missing.]

Iselin, Pierre. "Musique et imaginaire chez William Shakespeare." Iris (Montpellier, France) 2 (1986): 17-36.

Ishida, Mie. "Macbeth as a Tragedy of the Marriage Relation." Chugoku Tanki Daigaku Kiyo 4 (March 1973): 33-39. [No holdings. Sajdak EE163.]

Ishii, Shonosuke, and Peter Milward, eds. Renaissance ni okeru Dokebungaku. Tokyo: Aratake, 1983. [Includes Peter Milward, "Shakespeare no Kashikoi Doketachi," and Kenji Naito, "Koki Shakespeare ni okeru Doke."]

Ishikawa, Minoru K. "Shakespeare's Roman Plays (1)." Keio University. Bulletin of Hiyoshi 19 (1976): 64-81. [No holdings. Sajdak AA103.]

Israel, Fortunato. "Shakespeare et les artistes francaises." Reperages (Universite de Nantes) 6 (1984): 45-63. [ No locations. 1984 BIHR: 3566.]

Ito, Yoshikane. "On the Swearing Expressions in Shakespeare." Kinjo Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu. 7th series 26 (March 1965): 73-105.

Iwersen, Rainer. Alles Lugen. 35 Sonette von William Shakespeare. Bremen: Selbstverlag, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Jabra, Jabra Ibrahim, translator. al-Malik Lear. 1986. [OCLC 39712101. ntg copy lost.]

Jacev, Risto G. "William Shakespeare: Magbet." Beseda (Kumanovo) 40 (1987): 94-96. [1987 BIHR 3122.]

Ji, Seung-a. "A Ghost Named Othello: Race, Women, and Djanet Sears's Harlem Duet." Journal of Modern British and American Drama 7, no. 1 (2014): 93-122. [ISSN: 1226-3397]

*Joerss, Barbara, and Wolfgang Kruska. Kreative Ideenbörse Englisch Sekundarstufe II: 6 William Shakespeare--Much Ado about Nothing. Landsberg am Lech: Mvg-Verl., 2001. [ISBN: 9783478724661. OCLC: 163535514.]

Johnson, Samuel. Prefacio a Shakespeare. Translated by Enid Abreu Dobrnszky. Sao Paulo: Iluminuras, 1996. [OCLC 50836985.]

Johnson, Victor Cohen. Lovers Love the Spring. Heritage, 199?. [N OCLC. Review: Jones, Robert. Choral Journal 36, no. 9 (1996): 74.]

Jolicoeur, Claude. "Structure, nature et surnaturel dans The Winter's Tale." Reperages (Universite de Nantes) 6 (1984): 65-83. [No locations. 1984 BIHR: 3572.]

Jong, Erica. Serenissima. Polish translation. Wroclaw: Wydawn Ddnoslaskie, 1992. [Missing from only U.S. location.]

Jonk, Jan, tr. Hamlet. Heijen: Alpha Tech, 1991. [Not in OCLC. ISBN 90-73711-010.]

Jonk, Jan, tr. Julius Caesar. Heijen: Alpha Tech, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Jonk, Jan, tr. Koning Lear. Heijen: Alpha Tech, 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Jonk, Jan, tr. Macbeth. Heijen: Alpha Tech, 1990. [Not in OCLC. ISBN 90-73711-03-7.]

Jonk, Jan, tr. Romeo en Julia. Heijen: Alpha Tech, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Jylhä, Yrjö, translator. Hamlet, Tanskan prinssi. Helsingissä: Otava, 2000. [OCLC 58326348. No loans.]

Jylhä, Yrjö, translator. Othello: Venetsian mauri. Helsinki: Otava, 2002. [OCLC 58364481. No loans.]

Kaipainen, Riitta. Shakespearea kuvakertomuksina. Tampere: Lehtimiehet, (Tampereen arpatehdas), 1978. [OCLC 58159451. No loans.]

Kamei, Keiko. "Some Comments on Julius Caesar." Baika Jogakuin Daigaku. Eibungaku Kenkyu 1 (Nov. 1965): 59-71. [NOCLC. Sajdak AA22.]

Kaluza, Irena, and Marta Gibinska-Marzec, eds. William Shakespare: Macbeth. Krakow: Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, 1981. [Not in OCLC.]

Kanno, Aya, and Karolina Dwornik. Requiem Króla Róz. 6. Warsaw: Wydawnctwo Waneko, 2017. [ISBN: 9788363769475. Accession No.: OCLC: 979170761.]

Kantor, Lajos, ed. Kolozsvar magyar szinhaza 1792-1992. 1992. [Not in OCLC.]

Karhu, Merja-Liisa. Rakkaat siskot, siskokullat: KOM-teatterin klassikkotulkintoja 1978-1990. [Helsinki] : Kansan sivistystyön liitto, Painoyhtymä, 1991. [OCLC 57940287. No loans.]

Karlsson, Torbjorn. "William Shakespeare syus pa Haga." Teaterforum 26, no. 2 (1993): 12-13.

Karpati, I. "Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet." Sz¡nhaztechnikai Forum, December 1984. [Not in OCLC.]

Kato, Katsuhiko. " Henri yonsei: Haru Oji to Forusutaffu, yume to genjitsu no metamohoshisu." Kumamoto Daigaku Eigo Eibungaku/Kumamoto Studies in English Language and Literature 47 (2004): 1-13. [MLAIB. No locations.]

Kato, Katsuhiko. "Shaku niwa shaku o: Koshaku no shinasadome." Kumamoto Daigaku Eigo Eibungaku/Kumamoto Studies in English Language & Literature 38 (1995): 1-11.

Kato, Sada. "Hamlet's Melancholy and Troilus and Cressida." Akademia. Nanzan Gakkai 43 (July 1964): 31-52. [Sajdak U138. Not in OCLC.]

Kato, Takashi. "All for Love and Antony and Cleopatra: Dryden and French Classical Tragedy." Tohoku Gakuin University Review: Essays & Studies in English Language & Literature (Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu, Eigo-Eibungaku) 77 (1986): 127-44.

Kaussen, Woldgang. Shakespeares Sonnet Deutsch. Frankfurt: SPQ, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Kay, Emma. Shakespeare from Memory. Istanbul: Ofset, 1999. [OCLC 56031957. Copy at Bilkent University Library.]

Kelch, Maren. Briefbuch--Advent mit Shakespeare: 24 Gedichte und Aphorismen. Münster: Westf Coppenrath, 2017. [ISBN: 9783649624974 OCLC: 966421729]

Kelly, J. Macbeth, Il problema dell'ottimismo. Cosenza: Marra, 1983. [Not in OCLC.]

Kenessei, Andras. "Shakespeare es Sergei." Zene-Zene Tanc 1, no. 1 (1994): 33-35. [ISSN 1218-6678. Not in OCLC.]

Kennel, P. "Sekspir: Galvy iz knigi." Vsemirnaja literatura 10 (1998): 136-50. [1998IBT:2945. Copy at Illinois and Harvard; no loans.]

Kentrup, Norbert. "Ruckkehr zu den Wurzeln des Theater." Mimos: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Theaterkultur 50, no. 1 (1998): 1-16. [No loans. OCLC 20242023.]

Kermode, Frank. El tiempo de Shakespeare. Translated by Juan Manuel Ibeas. [Madrid] : Debate, 2005. [OCLC 58453411. No loans.]

Kery, Laszlo. "All's Well That Ends Well: Some Problems of a Shakespearean Problem Comedy." Tudomanyegyetem. Annales. Sectio Philologia 4 (1963): 111-19. [Sajdak N11. No locations.]

Keyte, Brian, editor. A Midsummer Night's Dream. South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia, 1995. [No loans. Only holding is AUT.]

Khalaf, E. M. "Monarchy and Propaganda in English Renaissance Historical Plays." Majallat Jamiat al-Bath/Journal of al-Bath Univeristy (Homs, Syria) 21, no. 2 (1999): 109-32. [LC doen't have issue. No other holdings.]

Khan, Mansab Ali. Hamlet. Orelans, ON: The Author, 2001. [OCLC 48075360.]

Kiesewetter, Peter. Ariel's Songs. Munich: Orlando-Musikverlag, 198?. [NYPL only; no loans.]

Kim, Jinho. "Shakespeare eui sonnets e natanan jaah insik." Journal of English Language and Literature (Chongju, Korea) 34 (1993): 51-72.

Kimira, Hisanori. "Sir Thomas Elyot's Governor and the Theme of Friendship in The Merchant of Venice." Otaru Shoka Daigaku. Jimbun Kenkyu 57 (1979): 70-82. [Not in OCLC.]

Kimoto, Hideko. "Frailty thy name is woman: An Approach to Hamlet and His Problems." Fukuoka Jagakuin Tanki Daigaku. Kiyo 5 (1969): 59-77. [No locations. Sajdak U310.]

Kingara, Naresa. Viliyama Saksapiyara ki sarvasreshtha kahaniyam. Dilli: Nyo Sadhana Poketa Buska, 2007. [ISBN: 8183931677.]

Kiple, Kenneth F., and Zbigniew Sidorkiewicz. Wielkie epidemie w dziejach ludzkosci. Poznan: Oficyna Wydawnicza Atena, 2002. [ISBN: 9788387422011. OCLC: 749311763.]

Kirchner, Volker David. Inferno d'amore: Szenische Momente nach Texten aud William Shakepseare. Mainz: Schott, 1994. [Copy at LC. No loans.]

Kisery, Andras. "The Rhetoric of Wounds: Persuasion" in AnaChronist 1995, pp. 28-59. [Requested offprint from author; no response. No locations.]

Kiss, Antal. "Koteltanc. Gondolatok a Lear kiraly margojara." Iskolakultura 5 (1995): 215-20. [1995BIHR:1933. No holdings.]

Klaic, Dragan, ed. Sekspir Fest komentari/Shakespeare Fest kommentarok/Shakespeare Fest Commentaries. Subotica: Narodno pozoriste, 1986. [Copy at Houghton. No loans.]

Knights, Leonard. "The Future in an Instant: Reflections on Success and Succession in Shakespeare's Macbeth." Nara Joshi Daigaku. Gaikoku Bungaku Kenkyu 1 (1978): 1-31. [No locations; Sajdak EE232.]

Kobayashi, Shozo. "Verse and Prose Rhythms in Shakespeare's Hamlet." Kyoto Sangyo Daigaku. Ronshu 3 (1972): 207-22. [No locations. Sajdak U372.]

Koc, Hamdi, translator. Pericles. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasi, 2011. [Accession No: OCLC: 880918026.]

Kocetkov, Aleksandr; Evtimova, Rumjana, eds. Klasika I kanon v ruskata literatura: universitetskjiat pogled. Sofia, Bulgaria: Fakel, 2014. [ISBN: 9789544111519. Accession No.: OCLC: 898668998. Contains Ljudmil Dimitrov, "Esce raz o Puskine I Sekspire, ili kak 'ukroscaetsja' sjuzet" (pp. 40-51?).]

Komedii, dramy, sonety. Sankt-Peterburg: Azbuka, 2014. ISBN: 9785389066205.

Koss, Jim. Shakespeare Playing Baseball on Rollerskates: A Lost Sonnet. Seattle: Spruce Street School, 1988. Broadside. (FirstSearch accession number 51321914). [Copy at Brown University.]

Kott, Jan. Shakespeare tänään. Translated by Salla Hirvinen. Helsinki: WSOY, 1984. [OCLC 57806553. No loans.]

Krogh, Leila. "Det skabende øjeblik: J. F. Willumsens portraet af Johannes Poulsen." Billedkunst 2 (1994): 19-23. [ISSN 0908-0465. No locations. On the painting The Actor Johannes Poulsen Composes His Henry VIII.]

Kruczynski, Andrzej. "Autolikus, czyli zlodziejska maestria." Aspiracje: kwartalnik Akademii Sztuk Pieknych w Warszawie 1 (2014): 43-47. [ISSN: 1732-6125.]

Kusayama, Tomokazu. "Word, World, and Drama, I." Bulletin of Daito Bunka University: The Humanities 22 (1984): 85-94.

Lambrecht, Koen. "Een Finse King Lear." Muziek & Woord October 2000, p. 17-?. [No holdings.]

Landestoy Duluc, Pedro. "Controversia Bacon-Shakespeare." Punto 7 (New York) 1.6 (Aug.-Dec. 1985): 51-54. [MLAIB. No U.S. locations.]

Landon, Antony. "Total Shakespeare: The Vision of George Wilson Knight." Publications of the Department of English, University of Turku 6 (1985): 73-83. [ABELL 61 (1986): 4506; wrote journal--no response.]

Lange, Gerald. "Julius Caesar." Nanzan Daigaku. Academia 81 (March 1971): 49-64. [No locations. SajdakAA62.]

Lanor, Drusilla de. Sonnets; and A Lover's Complaint. Paris: Editins Aikyo, 2017. [ISBN: 9791096211142. OCLC: 999902227.]

Lanteri, Jean-Marc, translator. Le Roi Lear. Strasbourg: Circé, 2016. [ISBN: 9782842423964 OCLC: 940565208]

Larkin, Michael. A Shakespeare Trilogy. Warner Brothers, 199?. [N OCLC. Review: Kornelis, Benjamin. Choral Journal 36, no. 9 (1996): 76.]

Laroque, Francois. Shakespeare. Tr. Johanna Enzler. Ravensburg: Maier, 1994. [Not in OCLC. German translation.]

Larsson, Anna. "Ta en ol och killa pa Romeo och Juliet." Teaterforum (Sweden) 23, no. 4 (1990): 14-15. [ISSN 0347-8890. Not in OCLC.]

Lasst mich den Löwen auch noch spielen: 20 Jahre Bemer Shakespeare Company. Bremen: Schünemann, 2003. [OCLC 58467152 . No loans.]

Lawlor, John James; Okada, Takaki. "Humour in Chaucer and Shakespeare: The Fundamental Principles." Kenkyu-Kiyo Jinbun-gakubu [Research Bulletin of Meisei University: Humanities and Social Sciences] 28 (1992): ?-?.

Lazaro Carreter, Fernando. "Julio Cesar de William Shakespeare." Blanco y negro 24 April 1988; 1 May 1988. [Can't locate.]

Lee, Jong-Suk. "History and Literature: The 'Historicity' of Shakespeare's History Plays." Chungse yongmunhak [Medieval English Studies] 2 (1994).  ISSN: 1082-9636.

*Lee, Randy. An Old Dead Poet's Take on Justice, Mercy, and Getting Mine: A Lawyer's Life and The Merchant of Venice. (PBI, no. 2104-7984A.) Mechanicsburg, PA: Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 2014. [OCLC: 898477087]

Lee, Rick; Worrall, Andrew, eds. Twelfth Night. Heinemann Shakespeare. Toronto: Irwin, 1994. [No loans.]

Leganger, Hans. "Billett merket: Hage med hekk." Sprak og sprakundervisning 3 (1999): ?-?.

Leganger, Hans. "Gutta pa tur til Normandie." Sprak og sprakundervisning 1 (1999). [Not in OCLC.]

Leisi, Ernst. "Die Lebenswelt im Drama: Shakespeares Dichtungen als soziohistorische Quelle." Neue Zürcher Zeitung 12-13 May 1994. [Bad citation.]

Lemon, Jerzy, Anna Szynkaruk-Zgirska, and Tadeusz Z. Wolanski. Teatr dwoch czasow: spacer po Gdanskim Tearze Szekspirowskim [A Theatre of Two Times: A Stroll around the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre. Gdansk: Gdanski Teatr Szepspirowski, 2016. [ISBN: 9788394348106. OCLC: 956574378.]

Lenz, Jakob Michael Reihold. Pietimes par teatri. Riga: Riga Getes Inst., 2012.

Letunovskaia, I. V. "Angliiskaia tragediia pervoi treti XVII veka." Vestnik Kievskogo Universiteta: Romano-germanskaia filologiia (Kiev) 23 (1989): 119-21. [ABELL 64 (1989): 4173.]

Levenheim, Barbara. "The Disintegration of Resumption of Order in Hamlet." Barnard College Undergraduate Journal 1 (1962): 5-11. [No locations. Sajdak U74.]

Levine, Gloria. The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare: Teacher Guide. San Antonio: Novel Units, 2000. [OCLC 56189674.]

Ley, Charles David. "Review of Troilo y Cressida, translated by Luis Cernuda." Insula 793 (?): 7. [Bad citation.]

Li Chi-fan. "Hamuleite te hsing ssu shihliu shichi mochi jenti tsunyen chihpientsou." Lien he wen hsueh 7, no. 8 (1991): 77-83. [Bad citation.]

Li, Jian, and Yao Kunming. "Study on Dickinson's Works under Intertextual Context."  In 2013 International Conference on Economic, Business Management and Education Innovation (EBMEI 2013) :Vol. 17. Ed. Garry Lee. Singapore: Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute, 2013. 468-74.

Liang, Wenjing. Yu sha shi bi ya tong hang: zhu shu yan yi sheng huo [Collaborating with Shakespeare].  Tai be shi: Wang lu yu shu chu ban, 2016. [ISBN: 9789866841729. OCLC: 957456670.]

Libera, Antoni, translator. Makbet. Warsaw: Noir sur Blanc, 2002. [OCLC 60583724. No loans.]

Liebst, Lars. Hvem ejer Shakespeare: Det gamle teater i det moderne. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1999. [Harvard copy lost.]

Limon, Jerzy. "'Hamlet', czyli inferno Jacka Globma." Nietak-t. 18 (2014): 38-41. [ISSN: 2082-1093.]

Lindberg, Nils. O Mistress Mine: A Garland of Elizabethan Poetry. Stockholm: Warner/Chappell, 1992. [No loans. OCLC 53834314.]

Link, Luther J. "A Remarkable Feature of Two Hamlet Soliloquies." Thought Currents in English Literature 54 (1981): 1-9.

Litro: Original Fiction for the Underground. 133 (April 2014). [Entire journal issue.]

Liu Bieng-Shian. "Sha jiu ian chu juong go hua shu ping." Xiqu Yanjiu December 1987: 75-80. [NOCLC.]

Liu, Jialu, translator. Zhong xue sheng hao xiang du: sha shi bi ya gu shi xuan [Stories from Shakespeare]. Tai be shi: Yuan jian tian xia chu ban, 2013. [ISBN: 9789863202882. OCLC: 881299265. Translation of Anna Claybourne's Usborne Stories from Shakespeare.]

Lombard, Rene-Andre. Images d'un savoir ancien: Shakespeare sur les eaux profondes. Brassac: Ed. Poliphile Chateau de Ferrieres, 1993. [OCLC 31422108. No loans.]

Lombardo, Agostino. "Il Macbeth Carmelo Bene." Gran Bazaar 30 gennaio 1983. [OCLC 15367972; can't locate.]

Lopez Roman, Blanca. "La Lectura de los textos dramaticos a comienzos de los a¤os noventa." Silvia Nath, In Memoriam. Universidad de Granada, 1991. [Not in OCLC.]

Lopez Roman, Blanca. "Transformaciones de la brujas de Macbeth desde Holinshed al collage neoyorkino de Marowitz." Actas del XII Xongreso de AEDEAN. Universidad de Tarragona, 1989. [Not in OCLC.]

Loquai, Franz. "Tynset und Hamlet oder Marbot und die Melancholie. Maglichkeiten einer Deutung des 'Scheiterns' bei Wolfgang Hildesheimer." Museummagazine (Antwerp) 5-6 (1986): 6-16. [Not in OCLC.]

Lukes, Milan. "Sen a film." Iluminace: asopis pro teorii, historii a estetiku filmu 2 (1995): ?-?. [OCLC 29502672 but no holdings for this issue.]

Lutzker, Peter. "Wozu treiben wir Lekture? Die Hinfuhrung einer 11. Klasse zu Shakespeare." Erziehungskunst Monatsschrift zur Padagogik Rudolf Steiners 58 (1994): 281-88. [Not in OCLC.]

Mabe, Chauncey. "Shakespeare in Hollywood." TWA Ambassador December 1990, pp. 41-49.

"Macbeth 1813: E G oversatter Shakespeare." Geijerstudier 12 (2013).

Maconchy, Elizabeth. "O Time Turn Back: For SATB Chorus, Wind Quintet, and Cello." London: New York: Hamburg: chester Music, 2017. [Musical score. Accession No.: OCLC: 982497220.]

Maehara, Shingo. "Poetik der Kultur oder New Historicism: Eine verborgene Strategie von Stephen Greenblatt." Kenkyuronshu/Research Journal of Graduate Students of Letters 1 (2001): 73-88.

Magnussen, Thomas, Morten Ankarfeldt, Magnus Brandell, Andreas Broch, Georgios Chrysandidis, Bjarke Falgren, Liisi Kedik, Inge Kongsgard Hansen, Line Krogh, Linda Elvira Magnussen, Bjorn Palmqvist, Tobias van der Pals, Sten Sejr, and Janne Solvang. Shakespeare sonetter/sonnets. Recording, 2 CDs. Denmark, 2012. [OCLC: 873695200]

Maguire, Robert. Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. Coles Notes. London: Coles Publishing, 1976. [OCLC 58959646. No loans.]

Maguire, Robert. Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare: Notes. Coles Notes. Toronto: Coles, 1976. [No loans; OCLC 58959646.]

Maiorana, Salvatore. "Shakespeare: Sonetto 146. Crisi di una societa e preludio di un mondo nuovo." Estuario 1 (1979): 3-12.

Majola-Leblond, Claire, ed. Le depart: Variations sur un theme. Melanges offerts a Jean-Pierre Petit. Lyon: U Jean Moulin Lyon III, 2000. [OCLC 46340902. Bodleian has copy?]

Malecki, Ewa. "Watki szekspirowskie w tworczosci Iwana Turgieniewa: aneks: diagnozy rosyjskej--wczoraj i dizis." Aspiracje (2014): 24-27. [ISSN: 1732-6125.]

Mallems, Alex, tr. Maat voor maat. Brussels: Kininklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg, 1994 [Not in OCLC.]

Manferlotti, Stefano. "Tre corone per Macbeth: Shakespeare, Ionesco, Testori." Rivista di letteratura tetrale 6 (2013): 49-61. [ISSN: 1973-7602]

Manfredi, Fernando. "Shakespeare: Una tempestad inspiradora." Sinfonica 8 (June 2002): 14.

Mango Media. Julius Caesar. Granadilla Pr, 2015. [ISBN: 9781633530775. OCLC: 900031229]

Mango Media. Romeo and Juliet: The Tragic Love Story of a Puppy and Kitten. Granadilla Pr, 2015. [ISBN: 9781633530591 OCLC: 900031159]

Manner, Eeva-Liisa, translator. Myrsky: (teatteriversio). Helsinki: Tammi (Painokaari), 1986. [OCLC 57808175. No loans.]

Manner, Eeva-Liisa, translator. Myrsky: (teatteriversio). Helsinki : Lasipalatsi, 1999. [OCLC 58313520; no loans.]

Marat, Pierre. "Ariane Mnouchkine: Shakespeare, l'atelier d'un maitre." La charente libra 8 January 1983, pp. ?-?. [Not in OCLC.]

Mardin, Yusuf, translator. Romeo ve Juliet. Istanbul : Milli Egitim Bakanligi, 2001. [OCLC 51746331. Bogazici University Library.]

Marelli, Maria Antonietta, tr. I sonetti. Milan: Garzanti, 1986. [Not in OCLC.]

Marienstras, Richard. "Le destin et la volonte: Sur quelques aspects shakespeariens de La tragedie du roi Christophe." Comedie Francaise: Les Cahiers 2 (Winter 1991-92): 25-33. [Not in OCLC.]

Marienstras, Richard. "Le marchand de Venise a Besancon." Diasporiques 2eme trimester (1998): ?-?. [No locations; no response from publisher.]

Marin, Jorge. "Shakespeare en su peublo natal." El Correro Catalan (especial domingo) 4 May 1980.

Markidou, Vasiliki. "Returning with (or without) a Vengeance: 'Shakespeare' and National Shakespeare at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century." The Periphery Viewing the World. Ed. Christina Dokou et al. Athens: Parousia, 2004. 120-27. [Not in OCLC. 2004 ABELL: 6236.]

Mariyama, Lubana, translator. Sekaspiyara ki avismaraniya kahaniyam. Dilli: Manisha Prakasana, 2008. [ISBN: 9788188031016.]

Marklund, Bjarn. "Hos Shakespeare i Stratford." Theaterforum 20.5 (1987): 9-11. [NOCLC.]

Marmo, Ariana. "Shakespeare in Europe: History and Memory." Quaderno del Dipartimento di letterature comparate, Universita degli studi Roma Tre 4 (2008).

Marowitz, Charles. "Shakespearean Acting: Cue to Passion." ALSC Newsletter (Association of Literary Scholars and Critics) 6, no. 2 (2000): 6-10. [Bad citation. 2000 ABELL: 6135.]

Marrone, A. "Ma che strano Macbeth: Sembra una visita guidata." L'Unita 30 maggio 1985.

Martinez, Txema, trans. Sonets. (Jardins de Samarcanda, 58). Vic Cafe Central Eumo, 2010. ISBN: 9788497663823.

Masehean, Hovannes, and Zaven Boyajyan, eds. Hamlet: Ishkhan Damemarki: oghergut'yun hing aravatsv. Erevan: Antares, 2013. [ISBN: ISBN: 9789939513607. OCLC: 881074769.]

Massip, Francesc, ed. Formes teatrals de la tradicio medieval. Barcelona: Institut del Teatre Barcelona, 1995. [Not in OCLC. ISBN 84-7794-413-X.]

Mathew, Abraham, and M.P. Kotter. Shakespeare: A Biographical Handbook. New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2012. [ISBN:

Matoba, Junko. "Shaw versus Shakespeare." Seishin Joshi Daigaku Ronso (Tokyo) 41 (December 1972): 1-14. [NOCLC.]

Matsuura, Masayoshi; Matsuura, Takako, eds. A Rime Index to the Poetry of Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Some Elizabethan Poets. Tokyo: Eihosha, 2002. [OCLC 53307027.]

Maufort, Marc, ed. Voices of Power: Co-operation and Conflict in English Language and Literature. Liege: English Dept. U of Liege, 1997. [Not in OCLC.]

May, Alison. Sweet Nothing. ??: Choc Lit, 2013.

Mayo, Sarah. "'But look where sadly the poor wretch comes reading': Shakespeare and the New Zealand English Curriculum." English in Aotearoa 41 (2000): 12-??.

McRae, John. "Eros and Thantos: Excess of Love and Social Constraints in Inferno, Othello, and Teleny." Annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia (Basilicat) 1987: 305-14.

McRoberts, Richard. A Student's Guide to Macbeth. Ballarat, Australia: Wizard Books, 1999. [1995 edition is in WSB Online. OCLC 52482246.]

McRoberts, Richard. A Student's Guide to Shakespeare in Love. Ballarat, Australia: Wizard Books, 1999. [OCLC 52482258.]

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix. Overture to A midsummer night's dream: opus 21. Miami: Kalmus, [ca. 2000]. [No loans. OCLC 55206945.]

Menoux, S. "Baroque Equivocation: Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well." Alizes 10 (December 1995): ?-?. [No locations.]

Meri, Veijo, translator. Hamlet, Tanskan prinssi. Helsingissä: Otava, 1987. [OCLC 57822676. No loans.]

Meri, Veijo, translator. Hamlet, Tanskan prinssi. Helsingissä: Otava, 1997. [OCLC 58282356. No loans.]

Micevic, Kolja. "Uz jedan novi prevod Makbeta." Treci Program Radio Sarajeva 6, no. 17 (1977): 697-701 [Not in OCLC.]

Mikkelä, Kaisu. Perinteestä onnen osat. [Äetsä] : Äetsän aikuisopiskelijat, R-offset, 1997. [OCLC 58209089. No loans.]

Milanovic, Vujadin. "Hamlet u srpskoj knjizevnoj kritici izmedju dva rata." Izraz 56, no. 9 (1984): 258-94. [Bad citation?]

Milward, Peter. Connotation in plants and animals. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1995. [No loans; OCLC 61432312.]

Milward, Peter, ed. King Lear. Taishukan Shakespeare. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1987. [Not in OCLC.]

Milward, Peter; Ishii, Shonosuke, eds. Shakespeare to Sono Jidai. Tokyo: Aratakie, 1981. [Not in OCLC; in MLAIB.]

Minura, Katsuori. "Richard II: The Problem of the Depositon of a King." Ikueki Kogyo Tanki Daigaku. Kenkyu Kiyo 5 (1979): 1-6. [Sajdak NN108. Not in OCLC.]

Miralles, Alberto, tr. El sueno de una noche de verano. Madrid: Ayuntamiento, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1803. NOCLC.]

Miyoski, Hiroshi. "From Illusion to Reality in Shakespeare." Komazawa Daigaku Gaikokugakubu Kenyu Kiyo 1 (March 1972): 128-99. [No holdings Sajdak F325.]

Mizusaki, Noriko. "Natsume Soseki Gubijinso no Mondaiten: Soseki to Shakespeare [Problems of Soseki Natsume's The Poppy: Soseki and Shakespeare]." Edogawa Women's Junior College Journal 15 (March 2000): 111-118 [25-32]. [Not in OCLC.]

Mizzero, Gianni. "Frye: Dalla fede alla speranza nella Tempesta di Shakespeare." Il giornale di Vicenza, 22 giugno 1979, p. ?.

Mkrtch'yan, Samve, edl. Sonetner, poemner, banasteghtsut'yunner. Erevan: Heghinakayin hratarakut'yun, 2013. [ISBN: 9789939005454. OCLC: 890602490].

Mooney, Robert N. "Shakespeare's Way with Plutarch." Shikoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu 11 (1966): ?-?. [No locations.]

Moratín, Leandro Fernández de, translator. Hamlet. Santiago: Nascimento, 1981. 234 pp. [No loans. OCLC 55288213.]

Morgan, A. E.; Vines, W. Sherard, eds. Antony and Cleopatra. London: Blackie, 1974. [No loans. OCLC 59798651.]

Morris, Priscilla. Introducing Shakespeare to Young People. London: Oberon, 1996. [Out of print. No loans. OCLC 40682014.]

Mortimer, John Clifford. Will Shakespeare: Zabavno stivo. Zagreb: Znanje, 1980. [OCLC 25810593; translation of SQ Bibliography for 1977, Item 136.]

Moulton, Carroll. Elements of Drama: A Study Guide to A Midsummer Night's Dream. Austin: Holt, 1989. [OCLC 34992724; no loans.]

Mufti, Mas'us, ed. Romeo, Juliyat. Lahaur: 'Ilm o 'Irfan Pablisharz, 2004.  [OCLC 58568705; no loans.]

Mujumdara, Biplaba, tr. Galpa balena Shakespeare. Calcutta: Urbasi, 2003. [No loans. OCLC 53058147.]

Mukherji, A. "An Apology for King Lear." Calcutta University Department of English Bulletin 1, no. 3 (1960): 8-9. [No locations; Sajdak CC18.]

Muller, H. C. T. "Edeler Bloeiwyse: Taalgebruik as natuurlike Artefaktualiteit." Stilet 6, no. 2 (1994): 29-54.

Muller, Thomas. Vier Shakespeare-Sonette fur Sopran, Flote (Picc, Afl, Bassfl), Klarinette in B, Gitarre und Viola; 2004/05. Berlin: Verlag Neue Musik, 2011. [musical score]

Munari, Simona. Review of Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca, Adultera e re. Indice (Turin) 4 (2001): 47. [2001ABELL: 5686.]

Munn, Antoni. "Traduir Shakespeare." El Pais Quadern 11, no. 491 (27 Feb. 1992): 1-3. [Bad citation?]

Murayama, Masato. "Goethes Shakespeare-Rezeption auf der Weimarer Buhne." Goethe-Jahrbuch (Tokyo) 27 (1985): 203-19. [Bad citation?]

Murukan, Ira. Aimpatu paica Sekspiyar. Cennai: Sneka, 2001. [OCLC 50641242. No locations.]

Museum voor Religieuze Kunst (Uden). Shakespeare in de Kloostertuin. Uden: Museum voor Religieuze Kunst, 2001. [OCLC: 67032354.]

"Mutations economico-sociales et litterature: De Shakespeare au renouveau romantique." Bulletin des anglicistes de l'Universite de Paris X 2. Paris: Universite de Paris C, 1980. [OCLC 34345152. No locations.]

Myska, David B. Five Pieces for Cello: Four Songs on William Shakespeare. 2014.

Nakagawa, Tokio. "Montaigne to Shakespeare." Eibungaku to no Deai. Ed. Naomi Matsuura. Kyoto: Showado, 1983.

Nakamura, Shinichiro. "The Dynamics of Illusion: Reality and Truth in Three Shakespeare Tragedies." Shimane Daigaku Kiyo 11 (1977): 1-9. [OCLC 7389305. Sajdak L134. Not on shelf at LC.]

Naqqash, Raja'. Nisa' Shikisbir. al-Qahirah: Dar Sharqiyat, 2005. [OCLC 60619131. No loans.]

Narusawa, Kazuko. "Love Theme in Shakespeare's Plays." Rissho Daigaku. Bungakubu Ronso 32 (Dec. 1968): 60-101. [Sajdak F238. No locations.]

Naudi, Margaret; Tan, Lisa. 10 stories from Shakespeare: Teacher's resource book. Singapore : Federal Publications, 1998.[OCLC 20050613. No loans.]

Naziri, F. Translation of Romeo and Juliet. Fifth Edition. Tehran: Sales Publication, 2008.

Negishi, Aiko. "Shakespeare no Arashi: Mask-sakka no meta-drama." Oberon 52 (1989): 37-37. [Can't locate.]

Nenarockina, A. G. "Rol´ sintaksic eskoj konvergencii v sozdanii e kspressivnosti vyskazyvanija (Šekspir Julij Cezar) [The role of syntactic convergence in creating expressive utterances (in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”)]." Materialy vuzivs´koji naukovoji konferenciji profesors´ko-vykladac´koho skladu za pidsumkamy naukovo-doslidnyc´koji roboty: aktual´ni pytannja romano-hermans´koji filolohiji (Donec´k, kviten´, 1997 r.). Ed.V. D. Kaliušcenko, A. V. Bespalova, M. H. Seniv, and L. A. Myronenko. Donec´k:DonDU, 1997. 82-84. [Not in OLCC. Cited in Bibliographie linguistique.]

Neuhaus, H. Joachim. Shakespeare's Word-Formations. Hildesheim: Olms, 1995. [Not in OCLC.]

Nieborg, Jack, translator. De getemede feeks [The Taming of the Shrew]. Winsum: Uitgeverij Grobein, 2017.

Nishihara, Yoko. Gaikokugo kenkyu 4 (December 1989): 69-81.[Article title unknown.]

Nordlund, Anna. "Som ni vill ha det och vad du vill." Teatertidningen 20, nos. 76-77 (1996): 15-19. [ISSN 0348-0119; 1996IBT:2941. Copy at Harvard Theatre Collection; no copies or loans.]

Nutku, Ozdemir, translator. III. Richard. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasi, 2013. Accession No: OCLC: 880918048.

Nutku, Ozdemir, translator. Venedik taciri. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasi, 2013. Accession No: OCLC: 880918035.

Nutku, Ozdemir, translator. Veronali iki soylu delikanli. Istanbul: Turkiye Bankasi, 2013. Accession No: OCLC: 880918035.

Nutku, Ozdemir, translator. Yanlisliklar komedyasi. Istanbul: Tirkiye Bankasi, 2013. Accession No: OCLC: 880918017.

Nutku, Ozedemir (translator), and Koray Karasulu (editor). Venedik taciri. Istanbul: Türkiye Is Bankasi Kültür Yayinlari, 2017. ISBN: 978605360549. OCLC: 1020308984.

Oba, Kenji. Ria o. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 2005. [OCLC 60535295; no loans.]

Ochi, Eiji. "Pandosto's Transcripts of Life and The Winter's Tale: More to Art than to Nature?" Saga Daigaku. Kyoikugakubu Kenkyu Kiyo 2 (March 1970): 1-17. [Can't locate. Sajdak YY47.]

O'Connor, John. Ariel & Miranda: Seven Wood Engravings. Blewbury: Rocket Press, 1992. [Limited ed. Copy at UCLA.]

O'Connor, S. "Making Sense of Shakespeare." The Teacher: Your Guide to Education (South Africa) 5, no. 3 (March 2000): 15-??. [No holdings.]

Okubu, Jun-Ichiro. "Romantic Motives in The Winter's Tale: From Greene's Romances to Shakespeare." Kanazawa Daigaku. Bungakubu Ronshu 12 (1965): 1-22. [Bad citation? Sajdak YY20.]

Oliva, Salvador, tr. Els dos cavallers de Verona. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1782. NOCLC.]

Oliva, Salvador, tr. Molt soroll per res. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1784. NOCLC.]

Oliva, Salvador, tr. El rei Joan. Barcelona: Vicens-Vives, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1791. NOCLC.]

Olivier, R. "Once more unto the breach: Leadership Lessons from the Bard." Convergence 6, no. 1 (2005): 28-31. [No locations.]

Ooba, Kenjii, ed. Julius Caesar. Tokyo: Taishukan, 1989. [Not in OCLC; ABELL 1989: item 3460.]

Opel, Anna. "Inszenierte Anblicke: Rosalinde, Kunigunda und moderne Frauen." Dramaturg 1 (1996): 14-20. [No locations. Requested offprint but no response. BAD CITATION.]

Osadnik, Waclaw M.; Korzeniowska, Izabella; Urban, Izabela. "Komizm szekspirowski w przek adach niemieckich [Shakespearean humor in German translations]." Komizm a przek ad. Ed. Piotra Fasta [Piotr Fast]. Katowice: SLask, 1007. 137-57. [In OCLC but no holdings. Cited in Bibliographie linguistique.]

Osorio de Parra, Bertha; Gómez, Luis Fernando. "El hipertexto William Shakespeare: Una experiencia didáctica como material de apoyo para los cursos de literatura en lengua inglesa en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, UPN." Folios: Revista de la Facultad de Humanidades Universidad Pedagógica Nacional 21 (2005): 93-102. [No loans. MLAIB.]

Otarova, Ala. Uiliam Sekspiri. Tblisi: Mecniereba, 1996. [OCLC 39398785. LC copy not on shelf.]

Oyama, Toshikazu. "The Tragic Nature of Hamlet's Action." Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature 11 (1965): 40-53. [Sajdak U188. Can't locate.]

Padilla, María Enriqueta, translator. Tres dramas históricos, 2nd ed. México: UNAM, Coordinación de
Humanidades, 1998. [No loans. Not in Amazon.com. OCLC 57497811.]

Paganelli, Eloisa. "Literal and Metaphorical in Shakespearian Journeys of Exile." Annali di Ca' Foscari 42, no. 4 (2003): 273-94. [Not located. Cited in 2003 ABELL, Item 5904.]

Pagnetti, Carlo, and Mariacristina Cavecchi. Shakespeare nei labritini del contemporaneo [Shakespeare in the maze of contemporary culture]. Milan: Libreria Antiquaria Pontremoli, 2013. Special issue of Stratagemmi, no. 24/25 (December 2012/March 2013).

Panek, Zoltan. "Hamlet, a cselekves hercege." Eletunk 21 (1984): 112-24. [Bad citation? 1984 BIHR: 3635.]

Paniker, K. Ayyappa. Pooccayum shakespearum. Kottayam: DC Books/Book Club, 1980.

Paradissis, A. G. "On the 23rd of April 1616." Footnotes: A Collection of Writings from Members of Deakin Literary Society. Ed. Brian Edwards. Geelong, Victoria: Deakin Literary Society, 1999. 147. [Not in OCLC.]

Parekh, Madhusudan. Mahakavi Shakespeare ni natyakathao. [No place:] Kumkum, 1981. [OCLC 59797010. No loans.]

Paris, Jean. Shakespeare. Translated by Bárbara Heliodora. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1992. [OCLC 58559191. No loans.]

Pasternak, Boris, translator. Gamlet; Romeo i Dzhul’etta; Antonii i Kleopatra. Moscow: Terra-knizhnyi klub, 2003. [OCLC 57054893. No loans.]

Pasternak, Boris, translator. Korol’ Genrikh IV; Korol Lir; Makbet. Moscow: Terra-knizhnyi klub, 2003. [OCLC 57054781. No loans.]

Pasternak, Boris, translator. Tragedii. Edited by A. A. Anikst. Saint Petersburg: Izadatelstvo "Azbuka-klasida," 2001. [OCLC 60587102. No loans.]

Paszkowski, Jozef, tr. Makbet. Bydgoszcz: Arcannum, 1991. [1992 BIHR: 3246. NOCLC.]

Paszkowski, Jozef, tr. Romeo i Julie. Bydgoszcz: Arcannum, 1991. [1992 BIHR: 3247. NOCLC.]

Paul, Simone Katrin, tr. Sonette. Zug: Prospero Press, 1998. [Limited edition. Copy at San Francisco Public Library. No loans.]

Payne, Robert. Shakespeare et l'Angleterre elisabethaine, Translated by Marie Tadi‚. Paris: Perrin, 1983. [NOCLC]

Peat, Derek. "A critical study of a 'play': William Shakespeare's King Lear. " Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW, No. 4 (2004): ?-?. [No locations.]

Peat, Derek. "About Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead in the Context of Performance." English in Aotearoa No. 4 (2006): ?-?. [Not available through interlibrary loan.]

Peat, Derek. "About Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead in the Context of Performance." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Assocation NSW no. 1 (2007): ?-?. 

Peat, Derek. "Teaching Hamlet as a Performance Text." Metaphor: The Journal for the English Teachers Association NSW  3 (2003): ?-?. [No locations.]

Peat, Derek. "Teaching Shakespeare not 'Readings' or 'Productions.'" Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW  38, no. 2 (2005): ?-?.

Penjak, Ana. "Biti ili ne biti zena: Pitanje je sad! Zenio/a mjesto/a u Shakespeareovu svijetu i na pozomici." Skolski vjesnik 60, no. 4 (2011): 445-58.

P.E.P. "Macbeth ovvero della follia." La Nazione. 18 dicembre 1980. [Issue missing from Library of Congress microfilm.]

Percec, Dana. "Transvestism as Bricolage: A Reading of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and As You Like It." B. A. S.: British & American Studies/B. A. S.: Revista de Studii Britanice Si Americane 9 (2003): 7-13. [No locations. Requested offprint from author, 3.05.]

Perez Romero, Carmen. Homenaje a la profesora Carmen Perez Romero. Caceres Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Pu, 2000. ISBN: 9788477234050.

Perez Romero, Carmen. "Poligenesis tematica de la Dark Woman: Notas para un estudio." Estudios ingelses de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid) 2 (1994): 247-62. [94MHRA4827. Not in OCLC.]

Perlongo, Daniel. By Verse Distills: Three Songs on Sonnets by William Shakespeare, for Mezzo Soprano, Violin, Bb Clarinet and Piano. New York: American Composers Alliance, 1989. [Non-circulating. OCLC 57122209.]

Perojo Arronte, Maria Eugenia. "Influencia de Kant en 'On the Knocking at the Gate' en Macbeth de Tomas Quincey." BELLS: Barcelona English Language and Literature Studies 2 (1990?). [Not in OCLC.]

Pesce, Daniele. "Kelkaj rimarkoj pri la Zamenhofa Hamleto." Heroldo e Esperanto 71 (May 1995): 3. [NOCLC.]

Peterson, Linn, tr. The Tempest. Adapted by Ana Davis [i.e., Davies]. Madrid: Mare Nostrum, 1991. [1991 BIHR: 1789a. NOCLC.]

Petroni, P. "Negli scuri e lunghi cappotti intorno ad un trono di propora." Corriere della sera 17 febbraio 1988. [Possibly a bad citation.]

Petrov, Valeri. "Pri la tempo kaj la eterneco." Literatura Foiro: Kultura Revuo en Esperanto 35, no. 208 (2004): 64-70. [ISSN: 0393-2907. No locations.]

Phillips, Graham. William Shakespeare ve sluzbach kralovske tajne policie. Prague: Armex, 1997. [Copy at National Library Prague.]

Phoenix and the Turtle. Hexham, Northumberland: Septentrio Press, 1981. 11 pp. [Limited edition. NOCLC.]

Pickett, Cecil, adaptor. William Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors: Adapted and Arranged into a One-Act Play. Schulenburg, TX: I. E. Clark, 1986. [Detroit Public no longer owns.]

Piette, Alain. "Othello Revisited: Crommelynck's Farcical Treatment of Shakespeare's Characters." Interpreting Minority: A Comparative Approach. Ed. Geert Lernout and Marc Maufort. Antwerp: Vlaamse Vereniging voor Algement en Vergelijkende Literatuurwetenschap, 1998. [Not in OCLC; cited in MLAIB.]

Pinter, Karoly. "Caliban Stranded in Civilization: Aldous Huxley's Translation of Shakespeare The Tempest." Beyond the Floating Islands: An Anthology. COTERPA 7. Bologna: University of Bologna, 2002. [Not in OCLC.]

Pokhariya, Lalita Simha; Kaka, Mustaka (translators). Dilli-6. Dilli: Kalcara Prakasana, 2008. [ISBN: 9788190635172.]

Poltorackij, A. I. "Problema 'slov' i 'del' v proizvedenijach Šekspira ['Words' and 'deeds' in Shakespeare’s theatre]." Logiceskij analiz jazyka 7 (1994): 165-72. [Not in OCLC. Cited in Bibliographie linguistique.]

Pongpairoj, Nattama. "The differences between the Shakespearean uses of questions in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and modern English questions." PLP: Phaasaa lae phaasaasart/Journal of language and linguistics (Bangkok) 18 (1999): 43-48. [Not in OCLC. Cited in Bibliographie linguistique. Requested offprint from author, 3.05.]

Por, Anna. "A Makrancos Kata Sergei Laszlo." Tancmuveszet 25, no. 1 (1994): 46-48. [ISSN 0134-1421. Not in OCLC.]

Porto, Carlos. "85 minutos de Macbeth." Letras & artes: LA 16 November 1993, p. 19.

Porto, Carlos. "Shakespeare entre nous." Adagio: revista de arte e cultura 14 (1994): 48-53.

Postma, Heiko, tr. Ein Mittsommernachtstraum. Weinheim: Bergstrsse Deutsche Theaterverlag, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Postma, Heiko, tr. Das Winters Marchen. Weinheim: Bergstrsse Deutsche Theaterverlag, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Pruthi, Raj. Greatest Plays of William Shakespeare. New Delhi: Life Span Publishers, 2014. ISBN: 9789381709306.

Pryor, Felix. Mirror and the Globe. London, 1988. [No loans; copies at British Library and London Library.]

Przeglad polityczny, czasopismo poświecone zagadnieniom polityki zagranieznej no. 123 (2014). [Special issue title: "Polis Szekspira."]

Pujante, Angel Luis. "Shakespeare y otros muchos: Versiones y diversiones de teatro." El Pais 9 April 1988, p. 30. [Bad citation.]

Pulbrook, Martin. A Textual Rearrangement in Julius Caesar, Act IV Scene e. Dublin: Dublin UP, 1983. [Not in OCLC or RLIN]

Putumaitacan. Sekspiyarin Mekpet. Cinkappur: Kirimcan Ert Patippakam, 2015. [Tamil translation of Macbeth. ISBN: 9789810941680. OCLC: 920622980.]

Quilter, Roger, and Trevor Hold. Twelve Songs. London: Thames, 1996. [Only at Oxford.]

Quince, Rohan. "Sagewood's Shakespeare Festival." Independent Education (South Africa) 4, no. 3 (2001): 62, 64. [No loans; requested copy from author 12.9.03--no reply.]

Racionero, Luis. "En torno al clasicismo: Lenoardo, Shakespeare y Mozart." Quimera 16 (Enero 1987): 127-33. [Bad citation.]

Radnoti, Miklos; Ronay, Gyorgy. Vizkereszt vagy amit akartok. Budapest: Europa, 1984. [OCLC 32326947.]

Ram, Alur Janaki. "Hamlet's Heroic Identity and Submission to Providence." Rajasthan University Studies in English 4 (1969): 67-80. [No locations. Sajdak U320.]

Rautenbach, E. "Shakespeare se moordenaar." De Kat 12.5 (1996): 70-73. [No locations.]

Rawlings, Peter. "Shakespeare Migrates to America." Kyushu Review, Kyushu University (Japan) 2 (1997): 77-89. [No holdings. Emailed author 12.03; no reply.]

Rawlings, Peter. "The Tempest and American Appropriations of Shakespeare." Gengo Bunka Ronkyu: Kyushu Daigaku Gengo Bunkabu/Studies in Languages & Cultures, Kyushu University  12  (2000) : 65-79. [No holdings. Emailed him 12.03; no reply.]

Read, Gardner. Bare Ruin'd Choirs: From Sonnet LXXIII, Shakespeare. Manchester, MA: Read, 1996.

Read, Martin. Three Songs from As You Like It. No place: Fand Music Press, 2002. [Copy at Oxford University. OCLC 51228553.]

Redi, Riccardo; Chiti, Roberto. "Shakespeare e il cinema." Bianco e nero 43 (1957): 70-91. [Bad citation.]

Reinhardt, Rudolf. "Review of Shakespeare's Religious Background." Theologische Quartalschrift 167, no. 2 (1987): 153-55. [Bad citation?]

Reisener, Helmut. "Shakespeare for Kids." Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 46, no. 4 (2000): 12-15.

Riberio dos Santos, Tiago. "Como 'A tempestade' invadiu a América." Agália: revista international da Associaçom Galega da Língua 107 (2013)

Ricardo III. Barcelona: Editorial Andres Bello, 1997. [OCLC 57741493. No loans.]

Richter, Richard H. "Shakespeare in the Original." Praxis Schulfernsehen 116 (1986): 75-80.

Robin, Gervaise, adapter. Romeo et Juliette. Paris: Le Livre, 1986. [Not in OCLC.]

Roccatagliati, Alessandro. "Macbeth, un passaporto italiano per Shakespeare." Giuseppe Verdi, Macbeth. Reggio Emilia: Teatro Municipale Valli, 1992. 12-29. [RILM; not in OCLC.]

Rogers, Paul. Favourite Scenes from Shakespeare. 2010. [Online resource--audio recording. LE trying to order.]

Rognoni, Francesco. Review of Fabio Vittorini, Shakespeare e il melodrama romantica. Indice (Turin) 9 (2001): 44. [2001ABELL: 5385.]

Romeo and Juliet. Illustrated by Margaret Early. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Lothian; Andover: Ragged Bears, 2000. [OCLC 57008061. No loans.]

Romeo y Julieta. México: Éxodo, 2001. [OCLC 54841363; no loans.]

Rossi, Matti, translator. Macbeth. Helsinki: Love kirjat, Gummerus, 1983. [OCLC 57835367. No loans.]

Roubaud, Jacques. "Le pentametre iambique dans mille sonnets elisabethains," Cahiers de poetique comparee 8 (1983): 41-112. [1983 BIHR:7098. No holdings.]

Rufini, Sergio. Shakespeare via Dryden: Il Troilus and Cressida attraverso il rifacimento di Dryden. Perugia: Guerra, 1988. [No loans. OCLC 46153526].

Rutiaga, Rafael, tr. Otelo. Mexico: Grupo Editorial Tomo, 2002. [OCLC 52850975. No loans.]

Rutiaga, Rafael, tr. Romeo y Julieta; Julio Cesar. Mexico: Grupo Editorial Tomo, 2002. [OCLC 52848409. No loans.]

Saag, Kristjan. "Star Shakespeare i vagen." Teatertidningen 21, no. 2 (1998): 31-33. [Copy at Harvard Theatre Collection but won't copy.]

Sabuja, Khayarula Alama. Cirayata Seksapiyara sera 6 natakera sahaja galparupa. Dhaka: Paribesaka, Lekacara Pabalikesansa, 2007.

Sabuncu, Basar. Bahar noktasi: William Shakespeare Can Yucel. Istanbul: Okuyan Us, 2003. [OCLC 52836574. No loans.]

Safier, David, and Lidia Alvarez Grifoll. Yo, mi, me...contigo. (Booket; 2528: Novela.) Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2013.[ISBN: 9788432220562. OCLC: 882484830. Translation of Plotzlich Shakespeare?]

Sagar, Nigel. Seven Love Songs. Enfield: Modus, 2001. [No loans].

Sahir si dur. Lucknow: Maktaba Urdu Adab, 1972. [OCLC 58987022. No loans.]

Saito, Shunichi. "The Apology of Chaucer." Bulletin of Daito Bunka University: The Humanities 21 (1983): 67-71.

Sanderson, John D. "Review of Michael Bristol, Big-Time Shakespeare." Revista canaria de estudios ingelses (La Laguna) 9, nos. 1-2 (1996): 194-95. [Bad citation.]

Sandor, Ivan. "Ezek a szavak mit ernek, ugyan mit ernek." Parnasszus (Hungary) 63-64, no. 2 (2000): 18-25 [Cited in BIHR 36 (2000): entry 3717.]

Santa Helena, Raimundo. Shakespeare, cultura inglesa. Rio de Janeiro: Cordelbras, 1983. [Copy at U of New Mexico in special collection.]

Sasaki, Kuniya. "King Lear and His Daughters: Moral Problems in King Lear." Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku Ronshu 58 (1971): 49-65. [No US locations; Sajdak CC211.]

Sasaki, Kuniya. "Shakespeare's Coriolanus--The Tragedy of a Proud Man." Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku. Ronshu 60 (Sept. 1973): 27-48. [Sajdak S62. Can't locate.]

Sasaki, Kuniya. "Sweet Sister and Young Brother: The Problem of Honor in Measure for Measure." Tohoku Gakuin Daigaku. Ronshu 59 (1972) 31-50. [No holdings; Sajdak FF84.]

Sato, Ken-Ichi. "Zwischenspiel der Aufklarung: Der Hofmeister von J. M. R. Lenz im Zusammenhang mit seiner Ubersetzung von Amor vincit omnia." Doitsu Bungaku 102 (1999): 95-15. [No locations.]

Sato, Sadao. "Study on Shakespeare 3: Julius Caesar." Seinan Jogakuin Tanki Daigaku. Kenkyu Kiyo 17 (May 1971): 1-32. [No locations. Sajdak AA65.]

Sato, Sadao. "Study on Shakespeare IV: The Merchant of Venice--Shylock's Role in the Play." Seinan Jogakuin Tanki Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo 19 (1973): 21-54. [No locations. Sajdak GG114.]

Savinel, Christine. "The 'Iachimo Scenes' in Cymbeline or the Problem of Verification." Annales de l'Universite Jean-Moulin, Serie Institut des Langues 2 (1978): 91-100. [Bad citation.]

Savioli, Aggeo. "Macbeth lascia Shakespeare." L'Unita 8 gennaio 1983.

---. "Questo Macbeth sembra Giuda." L'Unita 13 febbraio 1988.

Sawada, Harumi. "The Structure of Shakespeare's Compound Adjective Expressions in His Four Major Tragedies: A Transformational Approach." Fukui Daigaku Kiyo 23 (1973): 61-97.

Sawada, Harumi. "A Transformational Approach to Shakespeare's Expressions." Fukui Daigaku Kiyo 22 (Nov. 1972): 83-100.

Sawday, Jonathan. "[Article on Shakespeare Originals published by Harvester Wheatsheaf.]" London Quarterly 8 (1995-96): ?-?. [No response to request for offprint. Second request 12.04.]

Schmidt, John. "Hamlet and the Hidden God." Hiroshima Daigaku. Gengo Bunka Kenkyu 2 (1977): 145-57. [No locations. Sajdak U529.]

Schmitt, Eric-Emmanuel. Le poison d'amour: roman. Paris: Le Livre de poche, 2015. [ISBN: 9782253045434]

Schopf, Sylvia, and Yvonne Hoppe-Engbring. Wie es euch gefallt: Shakespeare fur Kinder. Munich: KeRLE, 2014.

Schott-Kristensen, Bent.; Nielsen, Bo. Macbeth: Glossary and Commentary. Copenhagen: MUnksgaard, 1985. [OCLC 60906125.]

Schubert, Franz. Who Is Silvia?. Arranged by Howard Burrell. Lochs, Isle of Lewis: Vanderbeek and Imrie, 1999. [Copy at Oxford. No loans.]

Schwartz-Gastine, Isabelle. "Shakespeare and Violence on the Stage: A Modern Interpretation." B. A. S.: British & American Studies/B. A. S.: Revista de Studii Britanice Si Americane. 1997, pp. 64-72.

Schwob, Marcel, translator. Macbeth. Paris: Grasset, 2016. [ISBN: 9782246861287 OCLC: 945196134]

Seksapiyara, Viliyama. Eja yu laika ita : "Eja yu laika ita" ka Hindi anuvada. Nai Dilli: Visva Buska, 2009. [ISBN: 9788179874820.]

Semple, Hilary. A Guide to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Johannesburg: Hodder and Stoughton South Africa in association with Star Schools, 1984. [No locations. OCLC 50754272.]

Sen, S. C. "Dream in Shakespeare." Calcutta University Department of English Bulletin 1st series,. 6, nos. 1-2 (1964): 77-91. [No U.S. holdings.]

Sen Gupta, S. C. Shakespeare and Keats. Shakespeare Society of Easter India: Shakespearian and Renaissance Studies 1. Calcutta, 1986. [OCLC 35154266; copy lost at Birmingham.]

Sengupta, Satyaprasad. Galpey Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Dacci : Saha, 1978. [OCLC 58820143; no loans.]

Seweryn, Andrzej, and Anita Czupryn. "Po Julii apuletti feministki mi juz nie zaimponuja." Polska 35 (2014): 12-13.

Shakespearer meyera. 2nd ed. Dhaka: Parama, 2000. [OCLC 59579402.]

Shakespeare ve fotografii. Prague: Nausus, 2003. [OCLC 56871727. No loans.]

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Istanbul: Mitos Boyut, 2013.

Shakespeare, William. Hamletos tou Saixperou; tragedia eis praxeis pente. Dueñas: Simancas Ediciones, 2008.

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Svenska. Sweden: Modernista, 2016. [ISBN: 9789176452011 OCLC: 941379379]

Shakespeare's Proclamation [journal]. West Hollywood, Calif., Shakespeare Center, 1968-. [OCLC 18713758; copy at University of Georgia.]

Shakespeare's Sonnets. Blewbury, Oxfordshire: Rocket Press, 1982. 176 pp. [Limited edition. NOCLC.]

Sharma, Gririndranath. Shakespeare katha samagra. [No place:] Hindi Pracharak Sansthan, 1994. [OCLC 59651719; no loans.]

Sheikusupia no joyo: Kyodo Kenkyu. Tokyo: Kenkyu sosho, 1989. [OCLC 21165782.]

Shekspirovskie chteniia 83, no. 3 (2011).

Shelby, John. Shakespeare's family and 16th century Snitterfield. 2nd ed. rev. Birlingham: Printed for the author, 1995. [OCLC 43197991. Copy at Oxford University.]

Shimizu, Hiroshi. "A Quest for Self-Identity of Tragic Protagonists: Oedipus Tyrannus and King Lear (1-2)." Okayama Shujitsu Daigaku. Shujitsu Ronso 4 (1974): 1-12; 5 (1975): 25-33. [No locations. Sajdak CC283 and Sajdak CC299/.]

Shimodate, Kazumi. "'Ebb to Humble Love': An Approach to Othello through Water Imagery." Journal of the English Institute 18 (1989): 1-26. [Cited in MLAIB. Not in OCLC.]

Shiratori, Sachiyo. "Dumb Show in Shakespeare's Plays." Infinity (Japan) 9 (1978): 47-64. [Can't locate.]

Shiratori, Sachiyo. "Jane Austen to Shakespeare." Jane Austen: Shosetsu no Kenkyu. Tokyo: Aratake, 1981. [Not in OCLC; in MLAIB.]

Shoai, C. "Active Shakespeare Series." The Teacher: Your Guide to Education (South Africa) 2, no. 4 (1997): 15-??. [No holdings.]

Shortt, John; Farnell, Alison, eds. Macbeth. Charis English. St. Alban's: Association of Christian Teachers, 1996. [No loans.]

Sibon, Marcelle, tr. Beaucoup de bruit pour rien. Paris: Flammarion, 1991. [1992 BIHR: 3229. NOCLC.]

Siltala, Mika; Cajander, Paavo. Peter Greenaway. [Helsinki]: Like, 1993. [OCLC 58073121. No loans.]

Simon, Andre. "Wine in Shakespeare's Days and Shakespeare's Plays." Vintage 4 (1964): 25-32. [Sajdak F127. No holdings.]

Simon, William. "King Lear HSC Tasks: A Baker's Dozen." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW  38, no. 2 (2005): ?-?.

Simonds, Peggy Munoz. "See Where She Comes: Shakespeare's Pericles and Petrarch's Trionfi." Studies in Medievalism 6 (supplement) (1996): 8-16. [Can't locate as cited.]

Singh, Raj Kumar. A Critical Study of Shakespearean Tragedy. New Delhi: Centrum Press, 2016. [ISBN: 9789350849668 OCLC: 956572040]

Sipari, Lauri, translator. Kesäyön uni. Helsinki : Love kirjat, Gummerus, 1989. [OCLC 57922801. No loans.]

Sipari, Lauri, translator. Romeo ja Julia. Helsinki: Love kirjat, Vaasa oy, 1981. [OCLC 57834525. No loans.]

Sipari, Lauri, translator. Romeo ja Julia. [Helsinki] : WSOY, 2002. [OCLC 58362584. No loans.]

Sladek, Josef Vaclav, translator. Kral Lear: tragedie v peti jedanich. Praha: Dobrovsky, 2014. [ISBN: 9788073901431. OCLC: 894846291]

Slomcynski, Maciej, tr. Antoniusz i Kleopatra. Krakow: Zielona Sowa, 1999. [ISBN: 9788372200822. OCLC: 750965824.]

Slomczynski, Maciej, tr. Otello. Cracow: Wydawn. Zielona Sowa, 2001. [No loans. OCLC 50255552.]

Slomczynski, Maciej, tr. Romeo i Julia. Cracow: Wydawn. Zielona Sowa, 2000. [No loans. OCLC 50232805.]

Slomczynski, Maciej, tr. Sonety. Krakow: Zielona Sowa, 2002. [ISBN: 8372204969. OCLC: 749347358.]

Smit, J. "Shakespeare: Leraars op die planke." Taalgenoot 64.3 (1995): 10-11. [No locations].

Smith, Fred, [translator?]. Much Ado about Nothing. Paris: Gallimard, 1987. [No loans. OCLC 59059255.]

Smith, Mike. Growing in Confidence with Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Goole: Working with Your Children, 1996. [Copy at British Library and Oxford.]

Soeda, Toru. "Personality of Shakespeare Seen through Shylock in The Merchant of Venice." Konan Joshi Daigaku. Kenkyu Kiyo 3 (1967): 68-72. [No locations; Sajdak GG77.]

Sorelius, Gunnar. "Shakespeare som internationellt fenomen." Forskningsprofil '75: Installationsforelasningar vid Uppsala Universitet 1975. Uppsala: Uppsala U, 1976. 64-76. [No holdings. No reply to email.]

Squarzina, L., tr. Misura per misura. Milan: Mondadori, 1990. [Not in OCLC.]

Stafford-Clark, Max, and Philip Roberts. Macbeth: A Case Study. La Vergne: Nick Hern Books, 2017. [ISBN: 9781780019482. OCLC: 1007090453. Appears to be available only as an eBook.]

Stanco, Michele. "L'Antoniade shakespeariana: Antony and Cleopatra tra miti di fondazione e miti di decadenza." Passaggi 1-2 (October 1998): 54-67. [Bad citation. Copy at NYPL.]

Steele, Eugene. Shakespeare and the Italian professionals. Taipei: Bookman, 1993. viii + 277 pp. [OCLC 52208060. Copy at Hong Kong Baptist University; no loans.]

Steinhorst, Heike. "Chr. M. Wielands Ansichten aur Shakespeare-Rezeption." Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der P'dagogischen Hochschule "Erich Weinert" Magdeburg 20.1 (1983): 26-36. [NOCLC.]

Stenhammar, Wilhelm. Svit ur musiken till Romeo och Julia av Shakespeare. Stockholm: Swedish Music Information Center, 1991. [Copy at Free Library Philadelphia non-circulating. OCLC 55088310.]

Sterley, V. "The Flowers of Shakespeare." South African Gardening Sept. 2004, pp. 34-37. [Can't locate via interlibrary loan.]

Strattner, Bernd Friedrich. Interviews mit der Geschichte. William Shakespeare. Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH, 2016. [ISBN: 9783741214172 OCLC: 943765290]

Strauss, Richard, Aribert Reiman, and Karl Simrock. Drei Lieder der Ophelia: op. 67 (1918-19). Edition: Partitur. Mainz: Furstner mains Schott Music, 2014.

Stringer, J. P. Midsummer Night's Dream for the SATs. Peterborough: First and Best in Education, 1995. [Copy at British Library and Oxford.]

Strongman, Luke. The Bronze Mask: Protagonists of English Literature. New York: Nova Sience Publishers, 2017. [ISBN: 9781536109702. Accession No: OCLC: 97123347.]

Sueño de una noche de verano y La fierecilla domada. México : Éxodo, 2001. OCLC 54850674; no loans.]

Suga, Yasuo. Ogoshi Kazugo: Ryokyoju Taikan Kinen Ronbunshu. Jyoto: Apollonsha, 1980. [Not in OCLC; in MLAIB.]

Suhamy, Henri. "L'element feminin dans Henry V de Shakespeare." Publications du Centre de recherches de l'Universit‚ de Paris X. 1977. [No locations; queried Suhamy 1992.]

Suhamy, Henri. "La pastorale shakespearienne." Publications du Centre de recherches de l'Universit‚ de Paris X. 1980. [No locations; queried Suhamy 1992.]

Sukie, Christine. Lectures d'une oeuvres: Antony and Cleopatra. Paris: Editions du Temps, 2000. [No loans.]

Sukla, Kamala. Maikabetha. Dilli : Aruna Prakasana, 1998. [No holdings.]

Sung, Ki-Suh. "Othello eui bigeukjeok vision: Eoneo wa jaepan eui motif reul jungsim eura." Journal of English Language and Literature (Chongju, Korea) 39, no. 1 (1997): 79-104. [Can't locate.]

Sutton, Philip. My Shakespeare. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1997. [OCLC 43261124. No holdings.]

Swiader, Barbara, and Karolina N. Lipinska. Planeta Szekspir: druga dekada Festiwalu Szekspirowskiego w Gdansk 2007-2016. Gdansk: Gdanski Teatr Szekspirowski: Fundacja Theatrum Gedanense, 2016. [ISBN: 9788394348137 OCLC: 956585417]

Szerszunowic, Joanna; Nowowiejski, Boguslaw; Yagi, Katsumasa; Kanzaki, Takaaki, eds. Research on Phraseology Across Continents. Vol. 2. Bialystok: University of Bialystok Publishing House, 2013. [ISBN: 9788374313834. OCLC: 907091155. Contains "Creativity in Shakespeare's Use of Phraseological Units" by Anita Naciscione, pp. 37-50.]

Tahir, Sattar, translator. Venice ka saudagar. Islamabad : Dost, 1990. [OCLC 59826985. No loans. In WSB Online as not seen.]

Tai, Kitaro. "An Essay on Shakespeare's Early Comedies." Kassai Joshi Tanki Daigaku. Kassai Rombun shu 15 (March 1972): 1-10. [Sajdak H55. No locations.]

Takahashi, Shozo. "Prospero: His Fatherly Love." Hokusei Gakuin Daigaku. Hokusei Ronshu 9 (March
1972): 47-56. [Can't get. Sajdak SS86.]

Takenaka, Toshikazu. "Hamlet the Tragic Hero." Hiroshima Studies in English Language and Literature 11 (1965): 7-26. [Sajdak U198. Can't locate.]

Tamada, Akihiro. A Century of Shakespeare in Japan: From Adaptation/Translation to the First Folios. Tokyo: The Author, 1999. [Copy at Houghton; no loans.]

The taming of the shrew by William Shakespeare. Hong Kong: Urban Council, 1982. [Probably a program book. No loans. OCLC 56967578.]

Tanaka, Susumu. "King Lear: A Survey of Lear's Spiritual Progress." Yamaguchi Daigaku. Bungakai-shi 19, no. 2 (1968): 23-43; 20 (1969): 25-41. [No locations. Sajdak CC188.]

Tanaka, Susumu. "Macbeth: A Psychological Interpretation." Yamaguchi Daigaku. Bungakai-shi 18, no. 1 (1967): 17-28. [No holdings.]

Tanaka, Kazutaka, and Masahiro Imai, eds. Archaeology of Intellectual Aspects of European Culture: A Volume of Articles Based on the Project of International Collaborative Research. Hirosaki: Faculty of Humanities University of Hirosaki, 2012. [Contains two essays on Shakespeare: Roy Neil Graves, "Hidden, Game-like Aspects of Shakespeare's Sonnets,  and Kazutaka Tanaka, "Shylock's Nationalism".]

Tanifuji, Isamu. "On To be or not to Be Soliloquy." Journal of the English Institute (Tohoku Gakuin University) 12 (1981): 1-20. [No locations.]

Targon, Joanna. "Hamlet w spoldzielni mieszkaniowej." Gazeta wyborcza 75 (2014).

Tarner, Margaret, ed. Much Ado about Nothing. (Macmillan Readers. Intermediate Level.) Oxford: Macmillan, 2011. [Audiobook.]

Tawfeek, S. B. "Chance, Divinity, and Human Endeavor in Hamlet." Journal of Education and Science: Humanities and Education (University of Mosul, Iraq) 1 (1979): 31-36. [Not in OCLC; ABELL 1989: Item 3846.]

Taylor, M. E. M. One More than Shakespeare. Cardiff: The Author, 1992. [Copy at British Library. Perhaps never published.]

The Tempest. Canton, NY: Caliban Press, 2001. [Limited edition. No loans. Copies at Swarthmore and Hamilton Colleges.]

La tempestad. Mexico : Fondo de Cultura Economica, 1998. [OCLC 50298348; no locations.]

Teng, I-lu. "Hamlet and the Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy." Studies in English Literature and Linguistics April 1982, pp. 1-10. [No holdings. OCLC 7033215.]

"Ten Oorlog." Etcetera (Netherlands) 63 (1998): 14-27. [Not in OCLC.]

Terasawa, Miki, Takafumi Izumida, Charles Lamb, and Mary Lamb. Eigo de yomu sheikusupia yondai higeki: harmuretto osero ria o makubesu. Tokyo: Aibishipaburisshingu, 2014.

Theilgaard, Alice. "Livsfortaellingen med udgangspunkt I Shakespeare." Omsorg 16, no. 2 (1999): ?-?. [NOCLC]

Thielemans, Johan. "Shake, shake that Spear." Kunst en Kultuur January 1998, pp. 16-19.

Thorell, Bernt. "Med Dramaten i Moskva." ProScen 12.4 (1988): 34-38. [ISSN 0284-4346; not in OCLC.]

Thurber, James. "El misterio de los crimenes de Macbeth." La Habana 1 (1980): 148-63. [Not in OCLC.]

Tian, R. "La tragedia diventa pura, purissima, anzi purificata." Il Messaggero, 13 febbraio 1988. [Issue missing from Library of Congress microfilm.]

Till, Ernest Redmond. "šberall eitel Freude: 'Tieck ist mit Shakespeare bester vertraut als die meisten Engl„nder': Die Tr„ger des Schlegel-Tieck-šbersetzerpreises." Barsenblatt 38 9 (1982): 237-38.

Tintori, Giampiero. "Falstaff dal Bardo di Stratford al Cigno di Busseto." Rivista illustrata del Museo Teatrale alla Scala 19 (1993): 23-26.

Tomzek, Krystyan. Shakespeare und die Queen oder: Was treiben Shakespeare und Marlowe unter dem Bett der Jungfräulichen Königin ; Komödien in 10 Bildern. Verden: Aller Theaterverl. Mahnke, 2014.

Toner, Alan. Henry IV, Part I. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1981. [Copy at British Library. No loans.]

Tonkin, Humphrey. "Shakespeare interlingvisto." Internacia Kongresa Universitato. Ed. Amri Wandel. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 1998. [Not in OCLC; cited in MLAIB.]

Tonkin, Humphrey. "Epifanio: Magio kaj geometrio." Lingva arto: Jubilea libro omage al William Auld kaj Marjorie Boulton. Ed. Vilmos Benczik. Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio, 1999. [In MLAIB. Not in OCLC.]

Torbarina, Josip. Cymbeline. Introduction by Janja Ciglar-Zanic. Zagreb, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Torbarina, Josip. Troilo i Kresida. 2nd edition. Zagreb, 1993. [Not in OCLC.]

Torii, Kiyoshi. "Lear's World." Osaka Seikei Joshi Tanki Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo, 9 (1972): 1-17. [No locations. Sajdak CC245.]

Torii, Kiyoshi. "Nothing Is but What Is Not: An Approach to Macbeth." Osaka Seikei Joshi Tanki Daigaku. Kenkyu Kiyo 10 (1973): 133-53. [No holdings. Sajdak EE176.]

Torvinen, Jukka. Donald Macbeth. Tampere: Lexica (Domus-offset), 1985. [OCLC 57818651. No loans.]

Toth, Tibor. "Shakespeare's Reception in France and Germany ." Angol es Amerika Filologiai Tanulmanyok 20 (1991): 71-77. [No U.S. loans. 92BIHR:3357. OCLC 4312082.]

Tragelehn, B.K., translator. Der Kaufmann von Venedig. (Alt Englisches Theater neu, 9.) Frankfurt am Main: Stroemfeld, 2015. [ISBN: 9783866001602. OCLC: 901517277]

Truter, S.; De Villiers, F. "Krieket en Shakespeare." Sarie 47 (3 Jan. 1996): 20-22. [No locations.]

Tsutsumi, Toshiko. "Shakespeare to Elzabeth Jidai no Kagaku teki Kanshin." Igirisu Bungaku ni okeru Kagau Shiso. Ed. Masao Watanabe. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1983. 54-85. [No loans.]

Tu An, translator. Shashibiya shi si hang shi yi bai shou/100 sonnets by Shakespeare. Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan gu fen you xian gong si, 1994. [OCLC 58868713; no loans.]

Tuley, Mark, ed. Shakespeare: Selected Sonnets and Verse. Kidderminster: Joe's Press, 1994. [OCLC 56658657. Copy at British Library.]

Tydlitat, Jan. William Shakespeare: Zkroceni zle zeny. Brno: Uniprint, 1995. [Only at National U of Prague. No loans. OCLC 37960906.]

Tynni, Aale , translator. Sonetit. Porvoo: WSOY, 1995. [OCLC 58157488. No loans.]

Uchimura, Toshinori. "Falstaff's Stage in the Development of Shakespeare's Prose Style." Yamanshi Eiwi Tanki Daigaku. Kiyo 4 (October 1970): 21-40. [No locations. SajdakV78.]

Uchiyama, Takako. "Paradoxical Aspects of The Tragedy of Macbeth." Seishin Joshi Daigaku. Ronso (Seishin Studies) 20 (March 1963): 1-25; 21 (October 1963): 15-38. [No locations. Sajdak EE52].

Valek, Jiri. Dvojkoncert: Pro housle, violu a orchestr (velky) na namety dramat W. Shakespeara/Concerto: Per violino, viola e orchestra (grande) sul thema di personaggi di W. Shakespeare. Prague: Cesky hudebni fond, 1973. [No loans. Copy at U Mass, Amherst. OCLC 54109489.]

Van Schaik, Henny, ed. Het regie-concept in de praktijk: Varianten van Richard III. Amsterdam: International Theatre and Film Books, 1994. [Not in OCLC.]

Vanwelden, Caroll. Caroll Vanwelden Sings Shakespeare Sonnets 3. Germany: Jazz'n'Arts, 2017. [Musical recording. OCLC: 995173914.]

Varma, Kancana, translator. Bahara ka mausama: Viliyama Seksapiyara krta E midasamara naitsa drima ka Hindi anuvada. Nayi Dilli: Prakansana Samsthana, 2010. [ISBN: 9788177143676.]

Vaughan Williams, Ralph. Richard II: Incidental Music for a Radio Production of William Shakespeare's Play. PME13 (Promethean Editions), 2014. [Accession #: OCLC: 893669530]

Vaux de Foletier, Francois de. Shakespeare et les gypsies. Paris: Les Amis du Jardin Shakespeare, 1987. [BIHR 1987: 3543.]

Veitch, Iani, ed. Coriolanus. Longman Literature Shakespeare. Harlow: Longman, 1996. [Copies at British Library and Oxford; perhaps never published.]

Verma, Rajiva. "Rhetoric, Hamlet and the Death of Ophelia." Researcher: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the University of Jammu 1, no. 1 (2008): 5-12.

*Viera, Fátima, translator. A tempestade. Porto: Campo das Letras. (Shakespeare para o século XXI, 3.) Porto: Campo das Letras, 2001. [ISBN: 9789726104725. OCLC: 1129084182.]

Viliyama Seksapiyara ki sarvasreshtha kahaniyam. Jaipur, India: Apollo Prakashan, 2008. [ ISBN: 8189462075]

Virgillito, Rina Sara, translator. Sonetti d'amore. Rome: Newton Compton, 1984. [OCOC 60554137. No loans; American U supposedly has but not in the library's catalog.]

Viswanathan, S. "The Application of dhvani to Shakespeare's Macbeth." Points of View (Ghaziabad) 10 (2003): 3-19.

---. "The Impugnable as Inexpungable: Censorship and English Renaissance Drama." Points of View (Ghaziabad) 5 (1997): 37-49.

---. "The Profession of Playhouse and Player in the Shakespeare Inset." Points of View (Ghaziabad) 9 (2001): 101-19.

---. "Shakespeare's 'single-speech Hamiltons' and 'shadows'." Points of View (Ghaziabad) 9 (2001): 1-14. 

Vives Heredia, Pedro. Los sonetos de amor de William Shakespeare. Buenos Aires: No publisher, 1994. [Copy at Dibam Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. OCLC 55366940.]

Volceanov, George. "Shakespeare and Fletcher's Two Noble Kinsmen: A Prologue to the Patriarchal Politics of Restoration Theatre?" Living in between and on Borders. Iasi: Universitatis XXI, 2003. 312-18. [Not in FirstSearch.]

Volkmann, Laurence. "The Ten Hamlets." Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 30, no. 6 (1997): 32-33.

von Koppenfels, Martin. "The Tragedy of Sleep." Psyche 69, nos. 9-10 (September-October 2015): 962-84. [ISSN: 0033-2623]

Vovk, Olena B.; Savchuk, Oxana O. "Analysis of language and cultural peculiarities of poetic translations of W. Shakespeare’s comedy The taming of the shrew into Ukrainian." Mova i kul´tura, volume 3: Nacional´ni movy i kul´tury v jich specyfici ta vzajemodiji. Kyjiv: Collegium, 1998. 19-26. [Not in OCLC. Cited in Bibliographie linguistique.]

Waite, Greg, et al., eds. World and Stage: Essays for Colin Gibson. Dunedin: Dept. of English, U of Otago, 1998. [NOCLC. Emailed editor.]

Wakar, Jacek. "Dziwny zbieg okolicznosci." Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 197 (2014): K10. [This is a review. OCLC: 899802160.]

Wake, Setsuko. "S. T. Coleridge and Platonic Revelation from Within (3): Schellingian Self-Consciousness as an Effort to Gain Freedom." Kobe College Studies 48 (July 2001):1-24. [No U.S. Holdings. MLAIB.]

Walbrodt, Friedemann. Goethe, Shakespeare, Schiller: Der "geheime Punckt": Handzeichnungen. Berlin-Dahlem: F. Walbrodt, 2001. [No loans. Copy at Bodleian. OCLC 59718965.]

Walkington, Hugh. The Scottish Play--the Music: The Music and Lyrics to Accompany the Play. Accession No:  OCLC: 893161525.

Walters, Julia. "A Comparison of Hamlet with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead from a Culturalist Perspective, with Particular Reference to Humanism." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW no. 1 (2004): ?-?. [No locations.]

Wang Yahong, Wu Xian, and Lu Dechun. "Madness as Symbol of Disorder in Hamlet." Education and Education Management 28 (2013): 405-9.

Wang, Yu-chuan. "A Study of Shakespearean Puns." Kaohsiung shih ta hsueh pao 2 (March 1991): 1-28. [NOCLC.]

Wannus, Maser. "Romeo wa-Juliet." al-Hayat al-Masrahiyah 39 (1993): 160-70. [Not in OCLC; ABELL 1993.]

*Warren, James A. "Shakespeare" Revealed: The Collected Articles and Published Letters of J. Thomas Looney. Cary, NC: Veritas, 2019. [ISBN: 9780578430348 OCLC: 1273687355]

Watanabe, Katsumi. "On Hamlet--An Interpretation." Aichi Daigaku, Bungakubu Ronso 21 (1961): 1-18. [Sajdak U62. Can't locate.]

Watanabe, Katsumi. "' Out, out, brief candle': A Story in Macbeth." Aichi Daigaku. Bungakubu Ronso Special Issue March 1962: 407-24.

Watson, Ken. "Shakespeare's Sonnet 19." English in Aotearoa No. 4 (2006): ?-?. [Not available through interlibrary loan.]

Watt, Archibald. Did William Shakespeare visit Stonehaven? [Stonehaven?: No publisher, 1970s].

*Weigel, Sigrid. Geld und Genealogie. Paderborn Fink: Wilhelm, 2014. [ISBN: 9783770557622; OCLC: 88709681.]

Weimann, Robert. "Text und T„tigkeit in Hamlet: Realismus als Spiegel und Ereignis." Material zum Theater: Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis des socialistischen Theaters 59, no. 183 (1984): 53-91. [ZAA 36 (1988): 303; OCLC 24089059.]

Weiss, Peter. Haunted House Hamlet. Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada, 1986. [WAU copy noncirculating.]

Werner, Craig Hansen. Love and Happiness: Eros According to Dante, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and the Rev. Al Green. Ashland, OR: White Cloud: 2014.

*West, Anthony James (author of introduction). The Taming of the Shrew: A Facsimile from the First Folio. London: Shakespeare's Globe, 2012. [ISBN: 9781902037196; OCLC: 1902037197]

*West, Anthony James (author of introduction). Twelfe Night or What You Will: A Facsimile from the First Folio. London: Shakespeare's Globe, 2012. [ISBN: 9781902037226; OCLC: 808802786.]

Whelan, Piper. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Smartbook Media, Inc., 2017. [ISBN: 9781510520073. Accession No.: OCLC: 980346429.]

Whitfield, Christopher. "Robert Dover and William Shakespeare." Worcestershire Archaeological Society Transactions 38 (1961): 9-19.

Williams, Bronwen. "The Typicality of Sonnet 65." Metaphor: The Journal for The English Teachers Association NSW 1 (2000): 51-??.

Wilson, Robert, translator. Konig Lear. Frankfurt: Schauspielhaus, 1990. [Copy at Houghton. Only U.S. location.]

Wilson, T. "Will Shakspere, Herbalist." South Aftican Philatelist 71.2 (1995): 33-35. [Not on shelf at LC.]

Wolff, Tatiana. Pushkin and English Literature. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast, 1991. [Not in OCLC.]

Wood, John, ed. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. South Dennis, MA: Steven Albahari, 2006. [Limited edition; no loans; OCLC 70621582.]

Woods of Birnam. Searching for William. Berlin: Theater der Zeit, 2017. [Songbook. ISBN: 9783957491060. Accession No: OCLC: 965631750.]

Woolfenden, Guy. All's Well That Ends Well. Vocal Score. Banbury: Ariel, 1983. [LC copy not on shelf.]

Wortham, Christopher. Shakespeare and the Matter of Britain. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006.

Yahya, Hasab-Allah. "Yusuf Al-Sayigh yu'id siyaghat Shakespeare [Yusuf Al-Sayigh Rewrites Shakespeare." Al-Jil (April 1991): 76-81. [Bad citation.]

Yamada, Akihiro. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Published According to the True Original Copies. Tokyo: Meisei University Press, 2014. [ISBN: 9784895491945. OCLC: 905583010]

Yamada, Yumiko. "Poetics in Performance: Paul Agnew's Conversations with Milton, Jonson, and Shakespeare." Kobe College Studies 48, no. 3 (2002): 1-26. [No locations. MLAIB.]

*Yamamoto, Shinji. Sheikusupia to kindai nihon no zuzo bunagaku: enburemu jenda teikoku. Tokyo: Kinseido, 2016. [ISBN: 9784764711556 OCLC: 945181675]

Yapar, Ummuhan. Macbeth. Istanbul: lacivert Yayincilik, 2010.

Yi Shu. "Tan Yi Shu Fen Wei." Xiqu Yanjiu (Beijing)10 (1993): 11-15. [IBT 1992-93: 2597. Not in OCLC.]

Yamamoto, Yoshiko. "Modernity of King Lear." Shitennoji Joshi Tanki Daigaku Kenkyu Kiyo 14 (1972): 159-67. [Bad citation? Sajdak CC250.]

Yamanaka, Takeshi. "A Structural Study of The Winter's Tale." Saga Daigaku. Kyoikugakubu. Kenkyu Rombun-shu (Saga University Journal of the Faculty of Education) 24 (1976): 49-56. [Not located. Sajdak YY100.] 8.04

Yasuda, Anita, ed. Julius Caesar. New York: Smartbook Media, 2017. [ISBN: 9781510519978.]

Yoshizaki, Kuniko."On Lady Macbeth in Macbeth." Seinan Joshi Daigaku. Kiyo 24 (1977): 89-98. [Not in OCLC.]

Young, L. "Meet Cyber Will: Helpful and Fun Internet Sites Help to Make Shakespeare Come Alive." The Teacher: Your Guide to Education (South Africa) 5, no. 3 (March 2000): 16-??. [No holdings.]

Yuan, Hse-hsiang. "Ch'uan-shih yu chieh shih..." Tang tai 8 (Dec. 1986): 78-87. [OCLC 5657357. Bad citation.]

Yuan, Heh-hisiang. "Hen Hamuleiteh te wenti [Man: Hamlet's Problem]." Tang tai 8 (June 1988): 86-98.

Zaryan, R. V. Peapeazyan: Hodvatsner. Erevan: Hayastani Teaterakan Gortsicheneri Miuteyun, 1988. [OCLC 34168190; copy at NYPL.]

Zhao Xiao-Li; Chu Chang-Jiang. "Lun pi shi yu sha shi xi ju liang zhong." Xiju Yishu 37 (Spring 1987): 131-37. [NOCLC.]

Zhang, H. 2016 ISSGBM International Conference on Information, Communication, and Social Sciences (ISSGBM-ICS 2016), Pt. 4, 69. Sigapore: SIngapore management & Sports Science Institute, 2016. [ISBN: 9789810997588. Contans "The Changes of Shakespeare's Ghost" (163-67) and "On Child Characters in Shakespearean Plays," (135-2), both by Yun Li.]

Zhang, Harry, ed. 2017 7th International Conference on Education and Sports Education (ESE 2017). Volume 2 (of 3 volumes). Singapore: Singapore Management & Sports Science Institute, 2017. [ISBN: 9789811125669. OCLC: 1006335698. See essay by Yun Li, "The Platonic Cosmic Landscape in Shakesperean Plays" [131-35] and essay by Xiaojing Wu, "A Comparative Study of Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare [82-85].)

Zhang, Harry, ed. Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference on Economic, Business Management, and Education Innovation (EBMEI 2014). November 5-6 2014. Volume 36. Singapore: Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute. [ISBN: 978-981-09-1683-1. Contains essay by Xuan Li, "Endless Desire and Regret Endlessly," pp. 157-60 (on Macbeth?)

Zhang, Y., ed. Proceedings of 2014 2nd International Conference in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Global Business Management. (Lecture Notes in Management Science: Vol. 25.) Singapore: Singapore Management and Sports Science Institute, 2014. [ISBN: SBN: 978-981-07-9311-1. Contains "Analyze Humanism of Shakespeare from Hamlet" (pp. 141-44).]

Zheng Sumei and Zhu Jianzheng, tr. Wang zi fu chou ji. Hangshou shi: Zhejiang shao nian er tong chu ban she, 2001. [No loans. OCLC 50438303.]

Zhu Shenghao. Shashibiya quan ji/The plays and sonnets of William Shakespeare. 2 vols. [Zhangzhun] : Shi dai wen yi zhu ban she, 1996. [OCLC 42410881. Copy at NYPL.]

Ziolkowski, Grzegorz. "Teatr moralnego neipokoju: Krol Lear w rezyserii Petera Brooka." Arcydziela inscenizacji od Reinhardta do Wilsona. Ed. Malgorzata Sugiera. Cracow: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 1997. [NOCLC. 1997 ITB: 2228.]

Zong Bai; Li Ching-Te. "Ying Kuo Huangjia Shashibiya Jutuan Zongheng Tan." Xiju Yishu 5.2 (May 1982): 127-29. [NOCLC.]

Zubel, Agata. Lullaby: na chor miezany a cappella (for unaccompanied mixed choir). Krakow: Polskie Wydawnicwo Muzyczne, 201